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Dark Alex Õâ´Î²ÉÓõķ½·¨ÊÇÏòÍøÉϵÄÍæ¼ÒÕ÷¼¯²»ÄÜÓÃM33 ÃâÒýµ¼Ä£Ê½ÔËÐеÄÓÎÏ·£¬È»ºó¼ÓÒ±¦±¦ÞÕý¡£ÒÔÏÂÊÇDA´óÉñµÄÔ»°£º
Put here the games that do not work in march33 noumd mode in 3.90 M33.
I know there is a compatibility list, but it seems a bit outdated. I just want to know the not working games, do not post games working here, do not post games not working in other modes, just the not working in march33 mode (and in 3.90 M33!)
Games posted here may get a fix. If you can provide the code of the game (ULES-XXXXX, etc), better.
List: (Green = fixed internally and ready to work in next release)
- Coded arms (ULES-00124, ULUS-10019, ULJM-05024, ULAS-42009)
- Patapon (UCES-00995, UCUS-98711, UCKS-45076, UCJS-10077, UCAS-40193)
- Harvest Moon Innocent Life (ULES-00658)
Çë°ÑÔÚ3.90 M33Ï£¬Ê¹ÓÃM33ÃâÒýµ¼Ä£Ê½ÎÞ·¨Õý³£ÔËÐеÄÓÎÏ·ÐÅÏ¢ÌùÔÚÕâÀï¡£
-Coded arms (ULES-00124, ULUS-10019, ULJM-05024, ULAS-42009) [»úÃÜÎä×°2ÂûÑÓ]
-Patapon(UCES-00995, UCUS-98711, UCKS-45076, UCJS-10077, UCAS-40193)[žàªÅé]
-Harvest Moon Innocent Life (ULES-00658)[ÐÂÄÁ³¡ÎïÓÎÞϾÈËÉú]
ÒëÕß×¢£ºULES-00124µÈÀàËƱàºÅÊÇÖ¸UMD Serial£¬ÓÎÏ·UMDµÄÐòÁкÅ
No it doesn't use any gamecode.... until now. The gamecodes of coded arms is checked to do some emulation of mediaman slightly different, and some other gamecodes may be added in future, but they are like exceptions, I do this to not break older games when fixing a new one, the fix of coded arms potentially could break other games, so I added an exception code for it, the fix of patapon however cannot break anything, it was a missing devctl code whose implementation may have fixed other games too.
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Then he would have to use time doing so xD¡£
As wisemen always said: "patience is a virtue"¡£