主题 : 【新闻】Audio Overload 2.0b9 Test 3
级别: 论坛版主
UID: 6498
精华: 1
发帖: 9726
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在线时间: 4556(时)
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楼主  发表于: 2007-12-04 17:16

【新闻】Audio Overload 2.0b9 Test 3

管理提醒: 本帖被 lzsgodmax 执行加亮操作(2007-12-04)

2.0b9 test 3. (Man, are we afraid of bumping the version number or what?)

New things from test 2:

    * Much improved SSF playback quality. Big thanks to kingshriek!
    * New .WSR WonderSwan format supported
    * Greatly improved stability, especially for the Win32 version
    * Fixed some small bugs with the Win32 GUI
    * Major speed improvement when opening solid 7zip archives
    * Fixed Linux song list to no longer be weirdly double-spaced (yay!)


[ 此贴被lzsgodmax在2007-12-04 17:43重新编辑 ]