我用EPS1.60玩寄生前夜2,第一关一切正常,可是到了第二关一开始,女主人公开车驶出总部地下停车场后就黑屏了,游戏无法进行下去.我各种设置都试过了都无法解决问题.模拟器说明文档提到了解决办法,这是说明:Since ePSXe v1.5.0, there is a special fix coming with ePSXe which allows you to run Parasite Eve 2. First off, you should try to run it normally. When you get stuck at the Squaresoft logo, you'll need to use the '-pe2' switch, so your command would look like this :
C:\epsxe\epsxe.exe -pe2
However, we haven't played the game until the end yet, so we can't really tell you if it's 100% compatible