主题 : [求助][PS]格兰蒂亚的小说攻略
级别: 模拟新血
UID: 1169
精华: 0
发帖: 15
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2625 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 0(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-31
最后登录: 2004-12-21
楼主  发表于: 2004-04-01 08:49


引用 (原标题)

[求助], 求助!!!
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 4
精华: 0
发帖: 892
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2629 浮游币
贡献值: 4 点
好评度: 4 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 1(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-24
最后登录: 2013-09-19
沙发  发表于: 2004-04-01 09:56


1一开始到桥上自会有小混混叫你拿东西 首先到河边拿了锅 パ-ムの港拿盾 城市
2和母亲说完了话休息一晚隔天往博物馆前行找馆长 调查像(会损坏)去馆长部屋可
3由マルナ街道到カルト遗迹进入地下可通古代通路 幻影之间 同时见到了光翼人也
吓的逃了出来 回到镇上家中宿一晚隔天到パ-ムの港(地下酒店滱港口各一次就可
得到酒场カギ 进入酒店可得到レック矿山 港口情报 ) 
1在这里先找个ジンさん家即可进入矿山里 解决了怪物后坐上小火车可向ジん拿取"
1回来后主角拒绝了ス-同去的观念(为了约定 ) 回到家中过一夜就会和母亲离别
1主角在船上发现了ス-的随身小动物后 上了甲板会见到ス-本人 恳求了船长放过
ス-后得到的代价是"实习船员" (夜后可向船员室拿取钥匙 )上了甲板开始打
扫(两逃诩是拖地 C钮不要按太多 ) 
2第三天晨起走到船头有一名少女出现 和她TALK后フィ-ナ觉得有异跑去船长室
 跟着进去说是幽灵船已经来了 跟上甲板和フィ-ナ说过话后就会跟着进幽灵船了
3在幽灵船内(跟着右上的游标走)到船长室看到了航海日志会和寄居蟹怪物对决 战
1先去ニュ-パ-ム街的冒险者协会 见了会长说了一堆不让主角入会 出了街到メリ
ル山道去找フィ-ナ 在她家拿了"フィ-ナのパンッ"她就会出现了 但冒险会会
长来提亲 主角说不过被打晕后来到ニュ-パ-ム街上发现在教会举行婚礼 赶紧跑
到教会仓库地下通路内(要记得开水闸 )出来过了一夜探听到ランゲル山 
2到了ランゲル山内的ドム遗迹见了幻影之间出来后会遇见一位受伤的亚人 救了他安
置在フィ-ナ家里才发现药草不够了 到周边山上拿取サルファ草(红的 )救了亚
1被关住的第一次ス-装肚子痛逃出会被抓住 第二次有位ル-ン相助才总算逃脱了 
救了ス- フイ-ナ后爬上空调管先下地下仓库再去更衣室可窃听到"右右左左下上
2替亚人打开铁门后吃了"古文明智慧果"就可听到亚人的话了 逃了出去不料在途中
遇见了サキ(战完后可拿到"军基地のマスタ-キ-”) ナナ ミオ会见到军用火
车 坐上他被大佐发现了会被坐上战舰追了出来 
村(渡河 )去村长家打听情报后上了光神之山(建议从最左方上去 )拿了光神之
4半夜听到了声响原来是カ-ライル军入侵了 接二连三遭到军队入侵后到达山顶却发
  现光神被拿走了 同时リ-ン也是フイ-ナ的姊姊 但主角扑了上去无功摔了下来~
  长老为了答谢主角一切送了"雾よけの实" 在回到了ルク之村直到世界之果 
1在世界之果好不容易爬了10楼后却被机器人抓了起来丢下去 摔下到飞龙之谷后却
发现ス-不见了 跟到飞龙之谷2发现了ス-随身物 进入飞龙之谷3遇见剑士卡特
  尹(ガドイン)随后主角误以为卡特尹做了什麽事后向卡特尹提出决斗 但卡特尹太
  强了而至于失败了 和好后卡特尹提起了南方有遗迹时但先去ダイトの村打听情报 
1先回宿休息从卡特尹了解ダイトの村的雨有问题 再经过探知才知是毒雨 所以主角
  为了解决问题而跑去雨月之山(首先先将绿色楼梯走到底 然后打开台座后再去红色
  楼梯即可过关 绿色可以踩其他不可 ) 跑到2F时可到降雨之台会有やさしぃく
  び(四头龙)出战 战完后踏上开关上去后会有勇者之试炼(勇者のヤリ 选星之镜
  ) 塔塌后回去ダイトの村插上勇者のヤリ可到ラ-マ山脉滱ガンボの村 
2先去村长之家接受招待后隔天参加祭典时被村长设计飞去火の山 上了山顶去打火之
  龙(2000多滴 )后看完喷火画面回到ガンボ村宿住晚上主角会和フィ-ナ在一
  起(走向左下方小岛 )会看见琦丽精灵群过去... 
3早上起来 就可搭船去ツインタワ-海岸 进入居间时和大佐对决会被吸入魔法阵
  里 醒来后身旁无人走了不久却发现リ-ン被怪物包围了 解救她后往里方跑去而顺
  着楼梯上去可得到"知惠のメダル” 离开后为了要探到人鱼之海的位置回到ダイト
の村里去问长老时没想到ス-病了 放在アルマ家里(医院)一行三人前行神隐しの
1在神隐しの丘里(先到左方拿KEY 再到开始上方然后再去右方 )拿到了转动之
  玉回到ダイトの村找ス-将ス-送回家(神隐しの丘直直往上走 )回到ダイトの村
  宿店去找卡特尹时要主角到他家里 回到了飞龙之谷卡特尹会要求再一次决斗 这次
  最左方即可 )
1来到未开之森时会遇见基特(ギド) 他会帮主角回复体力(但要收钱 ) 在未开
  出北方石之森(有些路可过 要仔细看点 ) 
2由石之森滱祸しい塔时这里可看见是军队废弃之地 在主角们尚未探索前遇到了一位
  女子 她叫蜜坦(ミルダ) ラップ和ミルダ一言不和就先打了起来 但不敌却被打
倒了 这时醒来后蓝波和蜜坦和好后就一起进入塔中 
3祸しい塔(将2F红的开关打开可进入红色门 蓝色亦同 )可看见カ-ライル军在
  养怪物 干掉生物后拿了芽回去カワ-の里 长老会将芽拿走后住宿一晚  晚上主
  角会出去在木广场上会找到フィ-ナ 这时却有一阵声响是カ-ライル军来袭 打倒
  三次军走入深处会看见リ-ン 同时リ-ン会露出光翼人之样离去...和长老谈完后
   湖上ド-リン家 但发现大贤者怪怪的于是到レ-ヌ废村的异次元空间 
2来到异次元空间将生化物打倒后回到レ-ヌ村和ド-リンTALK后蜜坦会离队 主
  脚一行人到ジ-ルパドン市中央喷水池要下去正在烦恼水问题 这时会有一位モグ族
  来找主角说长老想见主角们 到モグ族居地方长老竟是基塔(ギド) 但基塔这时会
3进入地下宫殿时カ-ライル军也来了 大佐父亲启动解除封印时引起机器人启动破坏
  遗迹 随后主角会和フィ-ナ分离 フィ-ナ被抓走了...... 主角跟上战舰(自动
  事件)之后会遇到战舰分离事件 这时フィ-ナ会带着主角一起下去...... 
1醒来后回到レ-ヌ村找デ-リン ド-リン可得知虹之泉 往村里的虹之山走去经过
  在和记忆之者リュ-テ述说以前记忆后一行人会降落在ルゼット山脉附近 进入ルゼ
2在军事要塞J同时大佐父亲会让生化物催生而引起一阵大爆炸而消失不见...... 坐
  上战舰停在战野キャンプ 叫了フィ-ナ和リ-ン后往ジ-ルパドン市时会有虫类入
  侵 此时在紧急为时フィ-ナ也会变成光翼人  消灭了一些怪物后回到モグ之宿休
3再跟去军事要塞J后リ-ン会以身故亡(很久 但蛮好看的 ) 此时令フイ-ナ 
  所有士兵难过...... 回到ジ-ルパドン市时フイ-ナ会将自己关在モグ之宿里 主
  角 说无效时去基塔家之后再回来モグ之宿フイ-ナ却不见了 
  然离去 看着战舰离去时主角很失意...... 回到ジ-ルパドン找基塔却发现许多人
  都回来替主角打气...此时开启了精灵之圣地 进入后(在2F时进入门可到4F )
  滱ガイア5层(1F要注意可动之石块 ) 之后魔王会两次变身(一次7000滴 二次9999滴)...... 
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 4
精华: 0
发帖: 892
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2629 浮游币
贡献值: 4 点
好评度: 4 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 1(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-24
最后登录: 2013-09-19
板凳  发表于: 2004-04-01 13:37


Written By——den_ko(cyas)

  在获得“魔法石”后,就可以到武器屋去买魔法了,一共有“风”、“土”、 “水”、“火”,另外四种则是由两种基本属性魔法组合而成的高段魔法“雷” 、“爆炎”、“冰”、“森林”。一般地说,所有人都可以学齐所有属性的魔法 的,所以不用担心因为少了一些魔法石而使某些魔法与特技无法习得。但是, 每个人所能学到的魔法都不尽一样,如“地狱之火”菲娜就无法学到,但是却可以学到使我方一人暂时无敌的魔法。而且,有些魔法与特技是要在一定的事件后才能觉醒的,在事件没有发生前,这些特技与魔法的习得需求则为“???”,意为不能习得。而一种属性的魔法提升的时候,共同点就是MP+2,这两点是随机分配在LV1~3的三级魔法里的,一般来说,这两点加在LV1的机率最高,LV3最低,而每个LV的MP最大值是99,当达到99以后,魔法达到顶值但是依然能获得MP提升机率,这时候就会出现每次魔法等级提升而MP只加1的情况。













  杰斯汀的青梅竹马,能使用“弓”与“棍”,所以在攻击与防御方面都不错,但是因为剧情原因要回家,不能在第二块碟里使用她,所以最好不要给她买太多 的魔法(最好就是不要给)。让莱普尽快地学齐魔法,跟上杰斯汀与菲娜的魔法LV。











级别: 模拟之星
UID: 4
精华: 0
发帖: 892
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2629 浮游币
贡献值: 4 点
好评度: 4 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 1(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-24
最后登录: 2013-09-19
地板  发表于: 2004-04-01 13:39

Written By——den_ko(cyas)









级别: 模拟之星
UID: 4
精华: 0
发帖: 892
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2629 浮游币
贡献值: 4 点
好评度: 4 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 1(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-24
最后登录: 2013-09-19
草席  发表于: 2004-04-01 14:30


-   Grandia Complete Game Info               V2.25 -
-   by Dalez (dalez@intercom.net)                 -
-   Last updated 01/06/2001   09:38 PM             -

The Latest Version of this FAQ can ALWAYS be found at...
  GameFAQs             http://www.gamefaqs.com
  The RPG Vortex         http://www.rpg-vortex.com
  VG Strategies @ about.com       http://vgstrategies.about.com
  Neo Seeker             http://www.neoseeker.com


My E-Mail address has changed. I can now be contacted via E-mail at
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


  Well, it's more of a warning actually. Although I tried
to avoid it as much as possible, this FAQ does contain some
spoilers (it was inevitable.. :P), and I do not consider it
a "General Guide". This is an _in-depth_ FAQ, meaning that I
give you the locations of all the items, etc, leaving just about
nothing for you to figure out yourself. If you have not been
through the game yourself I would not recommend using this
as it _will_ ruin the game. Grandia, like most other RPGs,
is best figured out by yourself... I suggest only resorting to
the FAQ if you get stuck. However, if you have been through
the game already and want to make sure you do every little
thing the game has to offer, then feel free to use this guide
to its full extent. Just a friendly warning.... :)


I      Intro
        Things still left to do
        List of Characters
        Outside Combat
II      The Walkthrough
           Messina, The Old Continent
          a. Town of Parm
          b. Marna Road
          c. Sult Ruins
          d. Leck Mines
          e. The Steamer
          f. Ghost Ship
           Elencia, The New World
          a. Port of New Parm
          b. Town of New Parm
          c. Merrill Road
          d. Feena's House
          e. Underground Passage
          f. Rangle Mountains
          g. Road to Dom Ruins
          h. Dom Ruins
          i. Herb Mountains
          j. Garlyle Base
          k. Military Train
          l. West Misty Forest
          m. Luc Village
          n. God of Light Mountain
          o. East Misty Forest
          p. The End of the World
        The Lost World
          a. Valley of the Flying Dragon
          b. Dight Village
          c. Mt. Typhoon
          d. Typhoon Tower
          e. Lama Mountains
          f. Gumbo Village
          g. Volcano
          h. Twin Towers
          i. Mysterious Vanishing Hill
          j. Pirate's Island
        East Elencia
          a. Virgin Forest
          b. Cafu Village
          c. Petrified Forest
          d. Tower of Doom
          e. Zil Desert
          f. Soldier's Graveyard (Side Dungeon)
          g. Castle of Dreams (Side Dungeon)
          h. Town of Zil Padon
          i. Savanna Wilderness
          j. Brinan Plateau
          k. Laine Village
          l. Abandoned Laine Village
          m. Zil Ruins
          n. The Grandeur
          o. Rainbow Mountain
          p. Alent
          q. Luzet Mountains
          r. J Base
          s. Underground Railway Ruins [Missing]
          t. Field Base [Missing]
          u. Tower of Temptation (Side Dungeon) [Missing]
          v. Spirit Sanctuary
          w. Icarian City
          x. Gaia
III      The Lists
      Special Moves
      Magic Spells
IV      Conclusion/Credits
      Other FAQs by the same author

(2/7/00)   * Decided to release this, though it's nowhere near complete.
      * Walkthrough finished up until the Town of New Parm.

(2/10/00) * Reformatted... -sigh-, maybe someday, in some FAQ, I will
        get this right the first time...
      * Walkthrough finished up until West Misty Forest

(2/13/00) * Walkthrough finished up until Dight Village
      * Added a note about secret passages in Dom Ruins

(2/15/00) * Sure it's early, but this is one huge update. :P
      * Added some stuff I had missed to the Dom Ruins, including
        the secret passages
      * Well. Let be it known that Dalez, the great master of the
        obvious, has finally realized that the Gold amounts are
        totally messed up. Since the game conveniently doesn't tell
        you how much Gold you pick up when you find some, I assumed
        that all pouches held 10G and all chests held 30G. This isn't
        the case! From the Typhoon Tower on, the correct G amounts
        are implemented. It will be a while before I get in the
        correct amounts up until that point. As the saying goes...
        "Oops!!!" Sorry about that.
      * Added "Future Changes/Additions" section thanks to that
        "minor error" on my part. -sigh-...
      * Went ahead and started the lists section, just because I had
        nothing else better to do :P
      * Went ahead and re-typed the intro, also because I had nothing
        else better to do
      * Walkthrough finished up until Gumbo Village

(2/18/00) * Added _another_ secret passage in the Dom Ruins... boy I just
        seem to blow right by those don't I... :P
      * Walkthrough of Disc 1 complete. Hooray! :)

(2/24/00) * Sorry for the delay... I took a short breather so to speak
        after finishing the first Disc, but now I've started back
        up again, so... :)
      * Walkthrough finished up until Zil Desert... Soldier's
        Graveyard (side dungeon) included.

(2/29/00) * Fixed most of the gold amounts... big thanks to Juan
        (sotingo@postoffice.pacbell.net) for this!
      * Walkthrough finished until Zil Ruins

(3/04/00) * Walkthrough complete except for a few sections... see
        the J Base section for "details"
      * Removed "Future Changes/Additions section" and added
        "Things still left to do" instead

(3/12/00) * Finished out the lists... they should be "complete"
      * Added info on how to get a Miracle Drink in New Parm
      * Added a trick to beating Ganymede in the Dom Ruins
      * Sigh. Luck has not been kind to me during the writing of
        this FAQ. Due to more circumstances beyond my control, the
        Tower of Temptation will have to wait until the re-write.
        On a lighter note, I am about to begin the re-write now...
        I haven't done the two things I wanted to do yet (building
        up my characters and learning Feena's last spell), but I
        will finish those in the midst of the re-write.
        It may be a while before another update, so please bear with
        me. Writing an FAQ isn't an easy task.

(4/25/00) * Yes, I'm still alive and still working on the FAQ, but haven't
        got the missing sections added in yet. After the initial
        writing of the FAQ, I stopped playing Grandia for a while,
        but now I'm back at it again. Also, I haven't been online
        much recently, and my E-mail account was all but flooded.
        Apologizes to anybody who E-mailed me and didn't get a response
        because I missed it, etc. :(
      * Fixed an error in New Parm... the item you get from the
        old man in the barrel is actually a Golden Potion. :P
      * Added in the Godspeed Knife that is hiding in the Soldier's
        Graveyard that everyone told me about :)
      * Added info for Feena's blasted Time Gate spell, as well
        as adding a "strategy" to get those blasted skill points
        required to learn it
      * Note on the Level "recommendations"... they aren't necessarily
        recommendations.. as I was making sure I got all the info I
        could in the FAQ, I spent a lot more time playing the game
        than one normally would. Thus my levels are probably a great
        deal higher than one would normally be (I'm beginning to see
        this as I'm going through the game again :P). They're not as
        if to say, 'If you're not this level, you won't make it through
        this dungeon'... I'm sure you could get by with lower levels,
        because after all, levels don't really make a lot difference
        in Grandia... your weapon skills and magic skills are more
        important. Plus there's the fact that I probably spend too
        much time leveling up anyway. :)


  Welcome to my "un-official" Grandia FAQ! The purpose of this
document is to provide you with (hopefully) all the information that
you need to know to make it through this great game from Game Arts,
the makers of the ever-popular Lunar series. Though the game
kinda suffers from a childish look and a mediocre storyline, this
game is still stands as my second-most favorite PlayStation RPG,
second only to FF7. -waits for the flames to begin-

  Anyway, enjoy! =D


---->Playable Characters<----


  Justin is the main character of our story. Though he is
still a kid, he has the potential to become a strong warrior.
His life-long dream has been to follow in his father's footsteps
and become the greatest adventurer of all time. His mischievous
and carefree attitude have labeled him as a troublemaker in his
hometown of Parm, and Justin hates the fact that no one wants
to take him seriously. Most of the storyline of Grandia revolves
around Justin's goal to discover the lost Angelou civilization
by going to a far-away place called Alent. Justin is skilled
at using swords, maces, and axes.


  Sue lives in the Town of Parm, right next door from the
Seagull Restauraunt, where Justin lives with his mom Lilly. Sue
and Justin always seem to be together, and though she is even
younger than Justin, she keeps Justin in line. She tries to act
like an adult (and she does a darn good job at it too :P), but
often talks too much and gets on Justin's nerves. Sue decides
to go with Justin on his great adventure, even though Justin
asks her to stay behind. Sue always takes her pet Puffy along
with her wherever she goes... Puffy usually rides around on
her head. Sue's is skilled with maces and throwing weapons.


  The great adventurer from New Parm, Feena is the most popular
girl in New Parm. She is the top-ranking adventurer at the
New Parm Adventurer's Society, and not only is she a good
adventurer, she's cute and a great cook as well (according to
Justin and Sue :P). Justin meets Feena on the Steamer to the
New World, and later Feena decides to go with Justin on his
adventure. Feena's main weapons are knives and whips.


  A Knight of Dight Village, Gadwin is a powerful and honorable
man, who follows the ways of a true knight. He is always willing
to help out others, and is willing to lay down his life for his
village. When Justin & company meet up with him, Justin & Gadwin
make a promise to help each other in times of need. After an
incident at Dight Village, Gadwin keeps true to his word and
joins the team to help Justin find the place called Alent.
Gadwin's weapon is the sword... which he uses with great skill.


  Rapp is a hot-blooded youth from the Village of Cafu. He
is the best of hunters, and all the other youths in the village
look up to him. However, Rapp has a tendency to be a bit rude
at times. After a hostile encounter with Justin, an incident
occurs that causes Rapp to realize that they aren't really
enemies. Rapp joins Justin after Justin & team are exiled
from Cafu Village. Rapp's weapons are the sword, mace, and
throwing weapon.


  A strong warrior from Laine, Milda fights with her body
instead of her brain. She can't use magical spells, but her
powerful physical strength more than makes up for it. Justin
meets her at the Tower near Cafu Village, and she joins them
when she realizes they have the same goal. Milda's weapons
are the sword, mace, and ax.


  This little rabbit dude with the italian accent is
actually a Mogay, a race that is known to travel around
the world, selling goods. Justin meets up with Guido a few
times during his adventure, and later Guido decides to join
Justin in his quest. Guido, being a merchant by nature, has
a love for money, and he sometimes uses sleazy tricks to get
it. Guido's weapons are the knife, sword, and throwing weapons.


    Liete is a mysterious young woman whom Justin meets
at the Sult Ruins. It is Liete that tells Justin about
the Angelou civilization, and that if he wants to know
about it, he should head for a far-off placed called
Alent. Liete is also shrouded in mystery... it is
unknown whether she is actually a person or a spirit
sent by the Angelou. Most of the storyline revolves
around Justin's quest to meet Liete at Alent.

--><Non-Playable Characters><--


  OK, so Puffy isn't really a character. Puffy is Sue's
pet... a strange creature that Justin's father brought back
from one of his adventures. Puffy usually rides around on
Sue's head, and to most people he looks like a big fluffy
ribbon. Puffy can breathe fire and fly, but not very high.
He also seems to be able to understand the human language,
but the only thing he says is "Puff Puff!" :P


  Lilly is Justin's mother, and she manages the Seagull
Restauraunt in the town of Parm. She is quick to scold
Justin for all the mischief he causes around Parm, but
she actually understands him quite well. She also seems
to know that Justin will one day embark on a great
adventure (hey, he's the son of a famous adventurer after
all :P).


  A retired adventurer, but don't ever let him hear you
say "retired". He thinks he's still active, anyway. He
is famous as well, but has grown a little senile in his
old age. Justin meets Java at the Leck Mines, and after
a trial, Java decides to give him his Steamer Pass so
he can get to the New World.


  These three are sergeants in the Garlyle Forces, and
boy are they nasty. Most of the soldiers in the army
secretly have crushes on either of these three, but I
don't see why because their personality isn't exactly what
you'd expect from such women. These three are hateful
and nasty, bossy, and all want to get as close as they
can to Colonel Mullen. These three will be causing
trouble throughout the game. :P


  The Colonel of the Garlyle Forces, Mullen is a powerful
man, yet he is quite kind toward his subordinates. Mullen
is the head of operation Yggdrasil to uncover the mystery
of the Angelou Civilization by finding the Spirit Stones,
but it's quite unclear for what purpose he wishes to use
these for.


  Lieutenant Leen is Mullen's aide-de-camp, meaning she
is for the most part at his side, taking orders for him and
giving them to everyone else. However, contrary to her
tough appearance, Leen is actually a kind and caring person,
unlike the three sergeants. Leen's kindness and attractive
looks have also earned her a place in the hearts of most
of the Garlyle soldiers as well... :P


  Baal is the supreme commander of the Garlyle Forces,
and he is cloaked in mystery. He is the organizer of
Operation Yggdrasil, and also the father of Colonel Mullen.
Formerly the founder of the Joule Foundation that oversaw
the construction of Parm, Baal has decided to break away
from the Joule Foundation and forge ahead with his own
military plans. He is feared by many, and it is unclear
what he plans to do with the Spirit Stones.

     Now that you know a bit about the storyline, let's
jump on in to the actual gameplay! Note that most of
this information can be found in the game manual, so if
you've read it already go ahead and skip down to the
walkthrough if you wish. :P



     The world of Grandia is broken up into several
regions, and in each of these regions is many different
places... towns, dungeons, and mountains, just to name a few.
Grandia has no real "world map" (I.E no walking around on the outer
world), instead when you exit an area you will be taken to the
region map. There you will select where you wish to go next, and
you will automatically go there. Also note that once you move to
another region, you won't be able to go back. Usually this is
because there is a great obstacle to overcome to get to another
region (a vast ocean, a huge wall, etc.).

     Once you select an area you will automatically go there.
Exploring towns in Grandia is easy... press the SELECT button and the
camera will zoom out, giving you a view of the entire town. On the
map, green arrows are people... this lets you find everything and
everyone easily. In most dungeons, there are icons called Dungeon-Scope
icons that zoom the camera out as well. You'll be able to see the
surrounding area, but you won't be able to move the camera around. :P

  The compass always stays in the upper right. The red bar on
the compass is North... this is vital to figuring out which direction
you are going. The arrow on the compass points in your destination, and
spins faster as you near it. By pressing L2 or R2, you can make the
arrow point in a different direction... usually towards the entrance.
By using the compass, you can easily navigate around in dungeons. :)

  By using the L1 or R1 buttons, you can rotate the camera around,
to get the correct angle you want. Note that it some rooms or areas,
you won't be able to rotate the camera. The X button is your all-around
useful button... it allows you to converse with people, pick up items,
use icons, and more.

  -->The almighty X button<--

  Speaking of speaking... talking to people is important... one of
the basic rules of an RPG is to talk to everyone! You never know
what kind of information a person has to spit out unless you talk to
them. :P

  In dungeons and other areas, you are bound to find gold and items
lying around. Run right up to some gold or an item and press X, and
you'll pick it up. The gold will be added to your total automatically,
but you have a little more freedom with items. When you take an item,
a menu will appear where you can choose who you wish to give the item to,
use the item there on the spot, or get rid of the item. Each character
can hold up 12 items... if you are holding too many there is also an
option to get rid of items that are in your inventory. You can't get
rid of special items... i.e items that are important to the game's
story. :P

  Use the X button a lot! Grandia pays a great deal of attention
to detail, and many things are searchable... pots, paintings, barrels,
and things you wouldn't expect! Sometimes you'll receive clues or
items by doing this. Sometimes you will need to use the X button
to climb a rope, open a door, or push a switch. :P

  -->Action Icons<--

  In some Dungeons, you will find Action Icons... which are denoted
by yellow exclamation points. These are icons that do something special,
usually granting you access to another part of the dungeon. An action
icon may break a rock, open a door, create a bridge, etc.

  -->Stashing Places<--

  Also in some dungeons, and in most towns, there are spots called
Stashing Places. These are places where you can dump items that you
don't need at the moment to be retrieved later. The great thing about
Stashing Places is that you can retrieve your items from any other
Stashing Place! This is a good way to stock up on medicines and other
vital items that you may need during a boss fight. (Hint hint! :P)

  -->Buying and Selling Items<--

  In all towns, there are shops where you can buy items, weapons,
armor, and magic. Just go up to the icon for the stuff you want to
buy, and press X and a menu will pop up. There you can select what
stuff you want to buy and who you wish to give it to. To sell items,
talk to the store owner. Note that to buy magic, you need to have
special items called Mana Eggs (more on that later).

  -->Resting and Saving<--

  In most towns there is a hotel where you can sleep. Hotels in
Grandia are free, and at some hotels you can have a meal (in which
you'll have a meal sequence... opportunities to talk to your party
members about the current situation). You can save the game at
a hotel, or at a Save Point. Save Points resemble shimmering cones
of light... walk onto a Save Point and press X and you will be able
to restore your HP, MP, and status, receive a hint on gameplay,
or save your game. :)

  -->Status Screen<--

  By pressing the Triangle button, the status screen will appear.
Here you can check your party's status, equip or use items, and cast

  -->Weapon and Magic Skills<--
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 4
精华: 0
发帖: 892
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2629 浮游币
贡献值: 4 点
好评度: 4 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 1(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-24
最后登录: 2013-09-19
5楼  发表于: 2004-04-01 14:31


  The Magic system in Grandia is quite different than that of
most RPGs. In order to learn magic spells, first you must obtain an
item called a Mana Egg. Then, you go to a magic shop, and "purchase"
a magical attribute with your egg. There are 4 attributes... Fire,
Wind, Water, and Earth. Note that not all people can use all magic
attributes. Once you buy an attribute, you will be able to cast
spells of that attribute. At first you won't be able to do much,
but the more you use your spells, the more you will learn.

  So how do you learn spells? When you first learn an attribute,
your skill level with that attribute will be 1. Everytime you cast
a spell of that attribute, that skill's EXP will go up. When an
attribute gets 100 EXP, it will rise a "skill level". For example,
Justin finds a Mana Egg and goes to the store, and buys "Fire".
His Fire skill is now level 1. Justin runs out and casts the Fire
spell on some bugs, and gains EXP for each casting. After his Fire
skill reaches 100 EXP, his skill level will go up to 2! On the
status screen you can see what spells each character can learn,
and what skill level you must be in order to learn that spell.
For example, learning the Burnflame spell requires a Fire skill
level of 4.

  In addition to those 4 attributes, there are 4 combination
attributes. These do not gain skill levels or EXP... they are
merely mixtures of two attributes. The 4 attributes are...
Lightning (mix Fire & Wind), Blizzard (mix Water & Wind),
Forest (mix Water & Earth), and Explosion (mix Fire & Earth).
Some spells require skill in 2 attributes to cast.. for example,
the Boom! spell requires Earth level of 7 and Fire level of 6.
Since it requires Earth and Fire, it is classified as an
"Explosion" type spell. Not that difficult!

  The same thing goes with weapons. Each time you strike
an enemy with your weapon, your skill goes up with the type
of weapon you're using. If you attack with a sword, your
sword skill will go up. Your weapon skills gain EXP just
as your magic skills do, and when your weapon skills gain
levels, you can learn new special moves. For example, Justin's
W-Break skill requires a Sword level of 6 and a Mace level
of 4.

  Therefore, practice, practice! The only way to learn
new spells and moves is by practicing the stuff you have!


  In just about all dungeons, there will be monsters running
around. In Grandia, you'll be able to see actually see the monsters.
Combat begins when your party comes in contact with an enemy group.
The way you engage the enemy determines the way combat starts...

"Your Initiative!" This occurs when you sneak up on the enemy and
touch them from behind. You will have an advantage over the enemy
when this happens, as you can attack before they have a chance
to do anything. :)

"Normal" This occurs when the enemy has seen you, and you come in
contact. When you near an enemy, it may see you and turn red. If
this happens, usually it will start chasing you. If you're quick,
you can outrun them, but you are risking getting attacked from
behind if you do this, especially if you have a large party.

"Ambushed!" This occurs when the enemy sneaks up behind you. This
can be messy.... the enemies will start attacking before you can
do anything. Try to avoid getting ambushed as much as possible.

  -->IP Bar<--

  Then, combat begins normally. In the lower-right part of the
screen is a bar called the IP bar. This shows when each monster
or ally will have a chance to issue a command. An icon depicting
each character and enemy appears along the bar. During battle,
each icon will move to the right. A character or enemy with a high
action level will move fast, while a character or enemy with a low
action level will move slower. When the icon reaches the "Com" mark,
they will be able to issue a command.

  -->Issuing Commands<--

  Party members have several different commands in battle...

Combo --> Your normal attack option. The character will run up
to the enemy and strike it twice (there are items that can
increase the number of times you attack). If the enemy is
defeated after the first blow, the character will run to the
nearest enemy and strike it. If you attack an enemy that is
in the middle of attacking someone else, the enemy will
receive a greater amount of damage (called Counter damage).

Critical --> This allows you to build up power for a second or
two and unleash one devastating attack against the enemy.
The blow won't be as powerful as a combo attack, but it will
be able to cancel enemy moves (more on this in a second).

Move/Magic --> Allows the character to execute a special move or
cast a spell. After the move or magic is selected, the character
will begin casting the spell or charging up for the move. During
this time, the character's icon will move slowly to the right
until it reaches the "Act" mark. When it reaches the "Act" mark,
the character will do the move or cast the spell. Beware...
some enemy skills will mess up your move or spell... if an enemy
hits you with a powerful attack while you are charging, it may
mess you up and you'll not be able to execute the move or spell.
Note you'll only be able to use a move or spell if you have enough
SP (for moves) or MP (for magic) remaining.

Items --> Allows you to use an item from your inventory. Not all
items can be used in battle, however. :P

Escape --> This option lets you run away from the monsters. The
chance of escaping depends on the total movement points of the
party. You won't be able to escape from some monsters, mostly
bosses. You won't gain any EXP, Gold, or items from the
monsters, but you will still gain weapon and magic skills.

Defend --> Allows you to defend against incoming attacks. There
are two defense options... "Endure" and "Evasion". "Endure"
focuses on reducing the damage dealt from blows... a character
defending in this manner will receive 1/3 normal damage, as well
as have a 2/3 chance of avoiding bad status effects. "Evasion"
focuses on moving out of the way, hopefully far enough where the
enemy can't reach you. Choose where you want to run to and
your character will run to the spot indicated.

Look --> Lets you view information on enemies and characters..
basically their name, HP, and what action they are performing.
If you use this on an enemy who is charging up for a skill, the
person that is targeted will be highlighted on the IP bar. You
can use this command as much as you want.

Tactics --> Lets you set up AI tactics for your party members,
in case you get lazy and want the computer to fight your battles
for you. There are 6 modes of AI you can choose from. "Single
Tactics" lets you set up individual AI modes for each character,
while "Party Tactics" let you set up an AI mode for all characters
at once.

Manual -> This is the mode of choice. You'll be able to issue
  all commands yourself.

Play Fair -> The character will solely use their weapons... no
  moves or magic. Useful when fighting weak enemies.

Power Up -> Use items, moves, and magic to increase the ability
  of your party members, then fight.

Withdraw -> Puts the character purely on defense mode. Don't
  set this to Party Tactics or you'll just sit there and let
  the enemy beat up on you. :P

Safety -> Use healing items, moves, and magic to ensure your
  party members are in top condition.

Go Wild -> Causes the character to go berserk, using their
  most powerful moves and magic. Useful for watching a weak
  group of enemies get smeared... use this near a Save Point
  where you can get that SP and MP back easily. Muhahahah :P

Meanie -> Use items, moves and magic that generally make it
  harder for the enemy to fight... namely status changing items
  or skills that decrease attack/defense/move levels.

  -->Attribute Levels<--

  When you use the "Look" command, along with the target's name
and HP, you'll see 5 icons. These are "attribute levels", and they
can be altered through the use of items or magic. These alterations
are only temporary... they will disappear after the battle. They
can only be altered up to a level of 7 (be it negative or positive).

Attack Level --> Increasing this level will cause your attacks to
            deal greater damage.
Defense Level --> Increasing this level will cause you to sustain
            less damage from enemy attacks.
Move Level --> Increasing this level will allow you to move further
          during your attacks.
Agility Level --> Increasing this level will increase your speed
            as well as the probability of dodging attacks.
Life Level --> Increasing this level will increase the character's
          Max HP for the duration of the battle! :)

    -->Status Ailments<--

  Sometimes when you are attacked by monsters, or cast certain
spells or use certain items on the enemy, they will be afflicted
with a "status ailment". This is something that hampers the target's
ability in one way or the other. There are several status conditions
that you can receive or inflict upon enemies...

Poison --> The character will steadily receive damage in combat.
        Can be dangerous, unless cured with an Antidote or
        Cure spell.

Plague --> The character has the Plague, and this causes a real mess.
        The character will suffer other status ailments at random,
        and their attribute levels may be decreased.

Fallen --> The character's HP has been reduced to 0, and they are
        unable to fight. Use a reviving item on them or rest.

Move Block --> The character's special moves have been sealed.

Magic Block --> The character's magic spells have been sealed.

Sleep --> The character has fallen asleep, and cannot issue any
      commands until they wake up.

Paralysis --> The character has been paralyzed, and cannot issue any
          commands until the paralysis wears off.

Confusion --> The characer will issue a command at random. It's
          hard to say exactly what they'll do... they may use
          an item on an enemy, attack one of your characters,

     Well, that's about all you need to know. Now, enough with that
mess! On with the walkthrough!


            --------MESSINA, THE OLD CONTINENT--------

  ***a. Town of Parm***

  My Level:     Justin 2, Sue 1

  Items:       Letter to Clara
              Dirty Apron ("Legendary Armor")
              Battered Pot ("Warrior's Helmet")
              Pot Lid ("Shield of Light")
              Gantz's Key
              Wooden Sword ("Spirit Sword")
              First-Aid Kit
              Poison Antidote
              100 Gold
              Marie's Pin
              Wound Salve
              Spirit Stone
              Letter of Introduction
              Key to the Cafe (after Sult Ruins expedition)
              Java's Wallet (after Sult Ruins expedition)
              Coal Candy (after Leck Mines expedition)
              Lilly's Letter (before boarding the Steamer)

  Save Points:   Port of Parm
              Lilly's Seagull Restauraunt

  Stashing Place: Justin's Living Room

  Weapon Store:   Ceramic Sword           500
              Metal Bat               300
              Handmade Darts           150

  Armor Store:   Sports Wear             150
              Leather Gloves           80
              Fluffy Ribbon           40
              Air Sneakers             90
              Shiny Shoes             50

  Item Store:     Wound Salve             40
              Herbs                 15

  After watching the opening cinema, the game will then switch
to the town of Parm, where Sue runs around for quite a while looking
for Justin. Then, after seeing Justin get beat up for messing around
in some guy's shed looking for "treasure", she rushes over to him and
gives him the "Legendary Armor" (which is actually a Dirty Apron. :P).

  You'll learn that Gantz (a neighborhood troublemaker) has made a
dare with Justin. If Justin can't find the 4 "legendary treasures"
hidden around Parm, then Sue will become part of Gantz's gang, and
she'll have to marry him. :)

  You'll automatically go to Gantz, who is blocking the bridge
to North Parm. Talk to him a few times, and he'll be "nice" (?)
enough to give you a few clues as to where the other treasures are
hidden. He'll tell you that the helmet is in a place where you
"always hear the sound of running water", and that the shield is in
a place where you "always hear seagulls squawking". So, let's head
out to find the treasures!

  As you explore the town of Parm, note that when you press SELECT,
the camera will zoom out, giving you a bird's-eye view of the entire
town. This is a very useful feature... try exploring the town without
it and you'll see what I mean. ^_^

  While running around town, be sure to talk to everyone
(people are shown by green arrows on the town map.), several times.
Almost everyone has more than one thing to say... one of the great
things about Grandia is the dialogue... this is one of those rare
RPGs where your party members actually communicate with the NPCs,
rather than you just listening to what they have to say. And most
of the dialogue is rather humorous, even hysterical at times. ^_^

  Also note that in House 2 (in the northern part of Parm),
upstairs is a man named Francois who is writing a letter to a
girl named Clara, who lives in New Parm. After talking with him
several times, he will ask Justin to deliver this letter to Clara
if he ever goes to New Parm.

  So, the helmet is in a place where you "always hear water
running". A river divides the town of Parm in two... perhaps it's
around there? Sure enough, if you go down into the canal, you'll
find the Warrior's Helmet (which is actually a Battered Pot. :P).
Go show it to Gantz... only two left!

  The shield is in a place where you "always hear seagulls
squawking". Seagulls live near the ocean... it must be in the
Port of Parm! You'll find the shield propped out against the
shipwright's workshop. Actually, it's a Pot Lid, but oh well. :P

  Return to Gantz and show him the shield. Now there's
only one treasure left... the Spirit Sword. Talk to him again,
and he'll tell you that the Spirit Sword is in the chest in his
house. However, the chest is locked... so we'll have to find the
key. Sue suggests you check out the chest, so head for Gantz's
house. Sure enough, the chest is locked. Gantz's mom will tell
you that Tentz (Gantz's little brother) probably has the key, so
you should look for him. If you went exploring earlier, you
probably found him... he's the kid that took off running when
he saw you.

  You'll find him at the entrance to the cafe, in the southwest
part of Parm. When talking to him, choose the second option
("No way, I'll tell Gantz"), and you'll learn that he has lost
the key to the chest. D'oh! So Justin will start crawling around
on the ground looking for it. Tentz says he fall down into
the river recently, so maybe it's around there. Search around
the canal, and sure enough, you'll find the key. Tentz will
let you keep the key, as long as you don't tell Gantz he gave
it to you. :P

  Anyway, go open the chest in Gantz's house and get the
Spirit Sword. Now, we've got all four treasures! Head back to
Gantz, but you'll find that he has finally got busted for blocking
the bridge to South Parm. Justin and Sue will try and "casually
sneak by", but when the adults find out that Justin and Gantz
were having a duel, Justin takes off, and you'll automatically
run to Lilly's Seagull Restauraunt, where Justin lives. :)

  Talk to Lilly and she'll bonk you on the head with her
tray (you'll see this a lot :P) for having dirty shoes in the
kitchen. After the sequence, talk to her again and she'll ask
you what kind of trouble you got into today. You'll have three
options... take comfort in the fact that no matter which you
choose, you'll get bonked on the head with the tray again.

  After choosing the third option ("I wasn't doing
anything! Ask Sue!!"), Justin, Sue and Lilly will go to
dinner. Here you'll have your first meal sequence... these
are opportunities to talk to your other party members about your
current situation. By selecting the sleep icon (by "talking to
yourself"), you can end the meal, but note that you can't end
some meals until you've talked to someone in particular.

  The next morning, Sue will wake you up and you'll go
off to see the curator of the Baal museum in South Parm.
Justin left his dad's Spirit Stone with him recently, and now
the curator wants Justin to come pick it up. Before leaving,
be sure to get Justin's things out of his room... the First-Aid
kit in the chest, the Gold under his desk, and the Poison
Antidote in the back corner. Note there is a stashing place
downstairs... it would be a good idea to dump your
"legendary equipment" there, as you can't sell or drop it and it
doesn't have any use (the Sword is the only piece of equipment
that is better than what you have now.) It's probably not
worth it, but if you talk to Lilly and say "Mom, you sure
look beautiful today" three times, she'll give you your
allowance... a meager 1 G. :(

  Before going to the museum, be sure to explore South Parm
and talk to everyone. Near the Train Station you'll find a
little girl named Marie who is quite P.O'ed at her mom because
she dropped her favorite pin somewhere near the museum. Head
near the museum and search around, and you'll find it. Give
the pin back to Marie and she'll be happy again. Then, go talk
to Marie's mother, who is wandering around the museum, still
looking for the pin. She'll give you a WOUND SALVE in return
for your kindness. :)

  You should also be sure to visit the Parm General Store,
where you can pick up some better equipment for Justin and Sue.
Buy what you want, but I recommend getting some Handmade Darts
for Sue, a Fluffy Ribbon for Sue, and Air Sneakers for both.
When you're ready, head for the Baal Museum and visit the curator.

  After speaking with the curator, he'll tell you to meet
him in his office, and that you should take a look at the Icarian
Statue. However, clumsy Justin gets a little too close and breaks
the statue! Quickly he "fixes" it and decides to talk to the
curator and get out of here ASAP. Head for the curator's office
and talk to him. Even if you do tell him the truth about the
statue, he'll pass it off as a joke, so it doesn't matter if you
do or not. He'll give you a Letter of Introduction... with this
Justin and Sue will be able to visit the Sult Ruins! After
getting the letter, exit the museum. Sure enough, the curator
finds out about the statue, and Justin decides it would be a
good idea to wait until later to apologize. :P

  Anyway, it's off to the Sult Ruins! Exit the town of Parm,
but to get to the ruins you'll have to pass through the
monster-infested Marna Road.

  ***b. Marna Road***

  My Level:     Justin 2, Sue 1

  Items:       Herbs x 2
              10G x 2
              Officer's Baton

  Save Points:   Entrance to Marna Road

  Monsters:     Marna Bug
              Giant Centipede

  *NOTE* Any directions I say.. i.e north, west, southeast,
etc... refer to the compass. The red area on the compass always
points north. :)

  Marna Road is, for the most part, one wide open area with
a road running through it. You can quickly traverse the area by
following the road all the way to the exit, but by doing this you'll
miss out on experience and some items as well. There is a river
about midway that divides Marna Road in two... four items can be
found on the south (closest to Parm) side of the bridge, and two
on the other side. Finding them is easy... on the south side, search
for some Herbs in the southwest corner, 10G to the left
of the road near the river, 30G in the southeast corner,
and 10G to the east along the river. After crossing
the bridge, follow the river again to find some more Herbs, and
when you reach the exit, go south along the eastern wall and you'll
find an Officer's Baton (mace type weapon).

  Not much to it. Try to get all the items and battle most
of the monsters in the area to obtain experience, then follow the
road out of here and head for the Sult Ruins. :)

  ***c. Sult Ruins***

  My Level:     Justin 4, Sue 3

  Items:       10G x 5
              30G x 5
              Shiny Shoes
              Rune Ring
              Ceremonial Rock Ax
              Outdated Armor
              Resurrect Potion

  Save Points:   Near entrance to Sult Ruins
              Sult Ruins, near stairs to B2
              Sult Ruins, B2

  Monsters:     Green Slime
              Baby Bat
              Rock Bird (BOSS)

  *NOTE* There is a map of both levels of the Sult Ruins in
the manual that came with the game. If you have it, it will greatly
help you in obtaining all the items. :)

  Upon entering the Sult Ruins, you'll "meet" Nana, Saki, and
Mio... three sergeants in the Garlyle Forces. These three will be
causing troubl