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主题 : 【转贴】DC用ATOMISWAVE游戏-KenJu(拳兽  更新cdi版本)
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楼主  发表于: 2021-01-29 22:49

【转贴】DC用ATOMISWAVE游戏-KenJu(拳兽  更新cdi版本)

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1-2 player
standart controller, arcade pad

Enter to system menu - press A+B and click START

Navigate in system menu - click START for select next option, hold START for enter


感谢会员 pitito 热心提供




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沙发  发表于: 2021-07-24 05:09

回 15楼(YZB) 的帖子

引用第15楼YZB于2021-02-10 22:03发表的 回 14楼(mariotaotao) 的帖子 :

It turns out that if it can be implemented, although I do not know if in all games :)
I discovered it in Hokuto not Ken, although there are other games where you can also be assigned.
In the bin there are two conjutes of values that belong to the L and R buttons.
Normally the one I usually discover is the button L denominated in the bin with the values
The R button is usually close either with the same values (if the R button contains the same action), or with these values if it does not contain any action
Well if you want to assign the insert coin buttons to any of these two buttons you just have to change the values of L or R to these others
I also have a list with the values of the other buttons :)
It can also help you :)
A+B--> F9 FF FF FF
X+Y---> FF F9 FF FF

Hokuto No Ken
Do not forget to set up the game to insert coins and not as a free game

Regards, friend :)
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    板凳  发表于: 2021-07-29 18:27

    It does not matter, I've only shared a small point in case you ever need it.
    I am creating my own games cdi as you comment on email.
    I have already posted the CDI of the Neogeo Battle Coliseum in Dctalk, and perfectly works on CDROM.
    If you want you can post it here in your forum, I can not because the forum does not let me insert links up to 100 post.
    I have also created a CDI for the Maximum Speed, and although it works perfectly on CDROM, the loading times are about 5 minutes (something exaggerated).
    Maybe this game needs something of your magic, if possible.
    Now I am translating the Kenju, and I discovered 2 secret characters.
    I only have a RAM address to be able to play with them
    Once you select Character in the game changes this address of RAM
    To 0x0C = sekisyusai
    To 0x0D = zine
    To 0x1B = sekisyusai (alternative suit)
    To 0x1C = zine (alternative suit)

    Thanks for the link, but I can not think of anything in what can help to translate to Chinese :)
    I can only offer you a small donation, to give you my support in all your projects :)

    Pass me the PayPal email for a small donation, please
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    地板  发表于: 2021-07-29 19:51

    Or I can try to promote the games by Spanish-speaking Discord channels, which is where I move.

    Pd: I have already made a small donation, I hope I had not put the paw with the mail :)

    Or yes, I have only caught the direction of the Cheat Engine
    The real address is the one you comment
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    草席  发表于: 2021-07-30 01:28

    With which I have a problem are at the moment these on cdrom

    Kof Neowave freezes when you start (I think you had the same problem in your version), maybe you have some Fix for that freezing.

    Hokuto No Ken has many Random freezers, perhaps by overloads in data reading.

    Maximum Speed, as I mentioned before it works perfectly, but the game takes 5 min to load the race on CDROM, while in emulator the load instantly. (I also think it has come to have a game with the black screen or something, when you released the GDROM).

    And they work perfectly, (maybe some small slowdown when loading combat, but little thing)
    Neogeo Battle Coliseum (have my version in Dctalk, in case you want to have it here)
    Kenju (I'm translating the game into Spanish, but I have a CDI version in English in Mega also want to have it)

    I have not tasted anymore until now

    I'm glad that everything has gone well :)
    I thought Donate $ 10, but Paypal has charged me a commission of $ 4, just by donating up there
    So in the end I have only been able to make $ 5

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    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 321597
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    贡献值: 4 点
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    5楼  发表于: 2021-08-15 16:16

    How to unlock Sekisyusai and the two bonus modes
    Well to unlock the password menu you must be in the settings menu

    You will have the memory with any program, and you go to the address 0x2C150DA9 (real address 0x8C150DA9), and you change the value 00 to 01 (This to launch the game as GDROM or CDI)

    Once done, the game will automatically go to the password menu

    Although the word pasword is dark, it is selectable, enter and the menu to insert codes appears

    Now the Codes
    CCCCCCCCCCCC to time atack mode
    EEEEEEEEEEEE to survival mode
    GGGGGGGGGGGG to Sekisyusai

    Only the two secret stages and ZINE remain to be unlocked
    I can not put images, sorry
    [ 此帖被pitito在2021-08-15 16:34重新编辑 ]
    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 321597
    精华: 0
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    金钱: 159 浮游币
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    6楼  发表于: 2021-08-16 02:23

    Yes, I already saw that I can load images, but I get an error when posting because I do not have 100 messages in the forum.

    If there are another 3 passwords, perhaps they were designed for Zine and the two secret scenarios, but they mistakenly insert them and do not unlock anything.
    Also there are only 3 unlocking messages
    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 321597
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    7楼  发表于: 2021-09-08 07:43

    Position 1st_read 0x771FC.
    Each value corresponds to a fighter, and the corresponding stages of him, being 0D (ZINE and his STAGE) and OC (SEKISYUSAY and his stage)
    I have traded some value to see if Zine and Hiezan and Gardasia stages can be selectable
    That space is reserved for ZINE, although when selecting it you can also see that it says Random Select, but always choose Eiji

    Maybe from here you can find yourself as activating these boxes so that the stages are unlocked and possibly zine
    The FC71088C pointer is located 11 times in the 1st, but I do not give how to unlock it
    [ 此帖被pitito在2021-09-08 07:48重新编辑 ]
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    8楼  发表于: 2021-09-09 03:00

    Oh yeah. It's a great game, and I'd like to have everything unlocked before burning it on CD.
    This game works pretty well on CD
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    UID: 321597
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    9楼  发表于: 2021-09-19 18:48

    回 30楼(YZB) 的帖子

    I have tried from that position of the bin and do not work.
    Keep in mind that the game loads the data from the SRAM
    The best thing is either through the tuto I did to put the passwords, or edit the SRAM directly
    offset 0x6682800
    Change values to:
    00 01 01 01 03 00 00 00 03 01 01 01 01 01 00 00
    Change values to:
    00 00 00 01 03 00 00 00 03 01 01 01 01 01 00 00

    Change values to:
    78 56 34 12 F8 F0 F0 00 00 00 00 00 AE 81 FD 05 30 BB 09 21 E6 B3 A2 03 70 0B 0B DB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BF C4 D4 C7 09 0A 09 02 03 00 00 00

    These values are the changes made in my SRAM

    However, there are still 2 secret stages and maybe Zine
    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 321597
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    10楼  发表于: 2021-10-10 17:49

    回 35楼(YZB) 的帖子

    Good, I feel the delay, but I've had a few weeks of a lot of work and I have not had time to continue investigating.
    I still think that to unlock the 2 secret stages, and maybe Zine, are associated with the offsett 8c0871fc.
    Here you will find groups of 0x4 bytes corresponding to each fighter
    For example, the first group is
    00 00 00 00 (belongs to the Eiji selection)
    Second group of 0x4 bytes
    01 00 00 00 (belongs to the Nanoha selection)
    And so on...
    If you follow the groups of 0x4 bytes then these
    0D 00 00 00 (belongs to the Zine selection and its Secret Stage Gardasia, but it is deactivated the selection of it in the game)
    0C 00 00 00 (belongs to Sekisyusai and his secret Stage Hieizan, as we know through passwords we have been able to unlock Sekisyusai, but secret stage Hieizan still blocked)

    I have managed to select them by exchanging the values ​​with other characters, but with this blocking those characters with which I have exchanged them.

    The only solution would be to activate these two groups of 0x4 bytes in the choice of characters.
    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 321597
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    11楼  发表于: 2021-10-26 08:07

    回 35楼(YZB) 的帖子

    I have found the team selection program, maybe from here you can unlock Zine and the two secret stages


    I have done some tests and in the position 8c01d878 changes the value 008b to 058b, when you are on the selection of characters illuminates sekisyusai and press up, Zine will appear in the selection.

    The problem is that in Eiji, too, if you press up, do not make the journey by default and a moment is frozen

    With this just tell you that it is possible to do it, but my knowledge is scarce in this topic
    级别: 模拟小生
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    12楼  发表于: 2021-10-27 02:02

    回 38楼(YZB) 的帖子

    I have something better :)
    Zine, Gardasia and Hieizan Stages
    0xD89C Change 41 81 for 40 81
    0xD89E Change 41 85 for 40 85

    To choose Zine and Gardasia Stage in the Eiji position press up or in Slayman position press left, it does not work in the Hanuman position
    (Zine will not be selected, Random Select appears instead, and always choose Eiji, but the Gardasia Stage can now be selected in 2 players mode from the same positions)

    To choose Hiezan Stage in the 2-player mode since the London Stage (SLAYMAN STAGE) position, click down and you will see that HIEIZAN now is selectable. (It does not work from another position)
    级别: 模拟小生
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    13楼  发表于: 2021-10-27 02:49

    回 39楼(pitito) 的帖子

    Now I have a theory ...
    With the Zine position unlocked from the selection menu, even if it is Random Select, Eiji is always elected
    Maybe this could be changed
    As we know the value of Eiji is 00 00 00 00
    If we can find the Random Select values maybe you could change to 0D 00 00 00 that is the value of ZINE
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    14楼  发表于: 2021-10-30 02:20

    回 38楼(YZB) 的帖子

    All changes to be made
    0XD86A change 4181 to 4081
    0xD83C change 4181 to 4081
    0xD81A change 4181 to 4081
    0xD89C change 4181 to 4081
    0xD89E change 4185 to 4085

    As Random Select has already been commented, but always chose Eigi
    ZINE is now chosen in Random Select
    OFFSET 1st Read.
    0xB268 Change 0D88 by 0088, with this you will always choose Zine in Random SELECT :)

    Pd: I need to know what changes you made in Kof Neowave CDI version so that it does not freeze when starting the game on console :)
    [ 此帖被pitito在2021-10-30 03:57重新编辑 ]
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    15楼  发表于: 2021-11-01 05:33

    Now I think it's much better

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    16楼  发表于: 2021-11-02 06:59

    回 38楼(YZB) 的帖子


    The video is captured from a recorded CDROM and on a real console, so there are some loading times at the beginning and end of each fight.
    GDI version (English)

    CDI version (Spanish)

    I'm sorry to put the links like this, but it is a way for the forum not to detect that it is a link
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  • 级别: 模拟小生
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    17楼  发表于: 2021-11-03 08:56

    If I finished, you have the GDI available in the link :)
    The CDI version recorded on disk presents some incoming loads at the end of the fighting and they do not let see the end of the fight for a small freezing due to the load. You can see them in the video (maybe with your magic of compression can go a lot better)
    Kenju CDI Version

    About the Kof Neowave My CDI version in Spanish is based on the last update you made of the GDI, and when burning it on a CD it freezes at the beginning of the game.

    I will look for the recorded CD and I show you a test video
    I remember comparing the binary, but since the new version has new changes and your CDI version also has changes for the compression I could not give with those values
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    18楼  发表于: 2021-11-04 01:44

    回 47楼(YZB) 的帖子

    Here you have the video


    And here I leave the cdi link

    Updated Post 43 with a GDI Version (English) from Kenju Hacked
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    19楼  发表于: 2021-11-04 18:15

    Yes, the CDI image believes it.

    In Emulator works correctly (GDEMU I do not have it)
    And on engraved CD it freezes in NOW loading as shown in the video.
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