kona |
2019-01-14 21:03 |
因为不能发链接所以不能把自己打包好的模拟器上传分享 只能发方法请大家自己设置无效还请无视反正最后我成功流畅模拟了 Played through Dreamcast emulator Makaron EX 4.1, under the following settings if you're wondering: Emulation: | Core settings - SH4 mode - Dynarec - Frequency - Manual - 60% | PowerVR - Sorting - Off - Shadows - Off - Alpha Test - Off - Z-Buffer Writes - On | VMU LCD - Normal | Compatible - Memory management unit Video: | Resolution - 1024x768 | Render mode - Native [fixed AR, source] | Advanced - Trilinear filtering - On - Anisotropy level - 4 - Shaders - Off | Fullscreen - On Audio: | DSP emulation - Off Start the emu. After you confirm the date/time twice on the DC interface, go to settings and confirm it again. Then quit the emulator and open again, it should now boot and run the game fine. If that doesn't work you might have something wrong in your emu configuration (Makaron.ini).? |