2015-09-04 06:34 |

Classic ports (Dreamcast, SNES, PC Engine/TG16) stretch goals? How does it work?These two stretch goals are very important to us. Back in the 90s we always wanted to have a real Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs video game on our SNES or Genesis. Many anime series got their own games like Macross for example but unfortunately not Saber Rider. This circumstance was ultimately the reason to take on this quest, getting the license and do the game on our own. In the last years the homebrew scene (making games for classic systems) has become quite strong. Because of this it is now possible to develop on older Systems like Dreamcast, SNES or even PC Engine/TG16. The Dreamcast scene for example is very active and a lot of very cool stuff comes from there. There also very cool projects out there for PC Engine. Atlantean from Aetherbyte is one of them. The SNES has a very good example there was a project on Kickstarter not so long ago. It was a Super Nintendo Game called Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death and they from made almost $40k. You can find the project here:嬀甀爀氀=https://goo.gl/YinacX]https://goo.gl/YinacX[/url] When we planned this campaign we were not sure, if we should include these stretch goals. The fact that we could do the game we ever wanted as kids on the gaming system we had back then was just too tempting, so we included it. With Kickstarter it is possible. Real 80s IP on real classic systems is just too cool. With this a real dream would come true. Some people asked why these two stretch goals are so high. Doing these versions requires a lot of work. While we can reuse most of our graphics, the code cannot be used and needs to be rewritten for each platform. Also each of these three platforms is entirely different from each other so you can not just "port it over" The Sega Dreamcast and the PC Engine/TG16 version will CD based. The SNES Version is of course Cartridge based. Producing real cartridges is no problem anymore these days. The PC Engine/TG16 version will be special because this would be the first ever run'n'gun shoot'em up game on this system. We really would love to do these versions! The classic ports will cost the following: Dreamcast Version (2 Disc): $59,95 USD SNES Version: $129,95 USD PC Engine/TG16 Version (2 Disc): $59,95 USD All 3 Versions will include: - The Game (of course) - Retro game box - printed exclusive retro game manual - Star Sheriffs Badge (EBU) - printed Jesse Blue Wanted Poster - Game Soundtrack on CD Shipping: Germany $7 USD EU $10 USD World $19 USD We got many question if there is a way to pledge for the classic systems directly. Because these are stretch goals it is not possible to offer pledge levels for this systems now. But we can offer the following solution. You can pledge now. Choose for example the Cadet Level for $5, adjust the amount of money to the prices above and very important, leave us a message that you want the classic version and which one. As soon as we reach the stretch goals we will also introduce new pledge levels for this Systems so you can choose from them directly. Many people wrote, that they want to pledge for the classic versions but want to wait until this stretch goals are reached. If you consider supporting us, please don’t wait. In order to reach the 250k for the classic ports it is very important to get as many pledges as early as possible. First we need to reach the main goal of $75k and this as fast as possible. This is the biggest hurdle to take now. Only with you and the fine communities we can make it! Thank you very much.