pyrofile |
2009-03-13 22:50 |
UG上有老外给我发信问是怎么弄的,他们都没成功。可否透露一二? From xxxxxx at 2009-03-13 13:05:08 (1 hour ago) GMT Hi pyrofile its me xxxxxx. I had to reregister under the name xxxxxx to avoid some issues with the admins and a former Dreamcast partner Xiaopang. It's good to see you on here. May I ask about this rip as I have some knowledge of ripping Dreamcast games. Has he made any attempt at Ecco 2? I can't get this to work, I have tried to get a working version compiled, but my skills are few with this type of source compiling. lol I am impressed he got this(hellgate) to work. I was sure key elements to accomplish this were missing? Also I am xxxxxx on BitGamer now same reasons as above. :)
老外表达对制作者的敬意,他又利用这个制作成CDI,模拟运行很好! (MDF格式不是破解组织的发布规则) From xxxxxx at 2009-03-13 15:15:02 (9 hours ago) GMT That would be great. i just tried his version of Hellgate. Please tell him nice work, but he did not secure the image. Maybe he doesn't care of people can access the data in the image though. Either way it seems to be working nicely so far. Impressive. :) Some might complain its a mdf/mds image but that's just dumb scene rules which don't matter I made a cdi of his image and tried it in nulldc. very good. Congrats to him.
-------- pyrofile wrote: -------- Hello xxxxxx San, Someone had uploaded sourcecode for Ecco2. But it is said that files were recoverd from a DC Dev HDD and so files were damaged and lost. KOF said he ever compiled data of Ecco2 but got no work. .I don't know whether it is same as one you tried. If you have valid raw data for Ecco2 , I can ask him to compile it.