2008-11-09 01:28 |
I have been asked to courier this release to the interwebs. This is the FIRST time PSOv2 PAL has been cracked and publicly released. This is significant because PSOv2 PAL lacks certain protections that prevent PSOv2 USA from connecting to homebrew servers now that the official servers are down.
It should work on any region Dreamcast.
We proudly present:
Phantasy Star Online Ver.2 (PAL)
Released : November, 2008 Platform : Sega Dreamcast Region : Europe/PAL Filename : PSOv2_PAL60_Schthack.001 CD(s) : 1 (80min) Format : Padus DiscJuggler v4 (CDI) Rip notes: The intro sfds have been downsampled The afs have been shrinked.
Details - ----------------------------- -
This is the PAL version of Phantasy Star Online Ver.2 Some people said this game was impossible to crack, we prove them wrong! It was one of the hardest Dreamcast games to crack though.
This disc is hacked to be in PAL60Hz and to work with the Schthack servers.
Here's a Serial Number and an Access Key you could use to play:
Serial Number: 1FB659BB Access Key: NsMToQw2
If you ever played PSO before, you might need to clean your flash memory using the Dreamcast Internal Flashrom Eraser that can be found here: http://www.dc-swat.net.ru/download/dc.php
We hope you'll enjoy that little release, we spent a lot of time on it !
How to burn - ----------------------------- - Use Padus DiscJuggler or Alcohol to burn this disc.
Thanks - ----------------------------- - MAG'94 For cracking that god damn game! Blutenleise For the selfboot image. Jay228 For the original idea and the support. 2CoOl4DC For testing and support.
英文不太好,软件翻译了看得不是很明白,这个能不能单机玩的? 模拟器上我试了几个key都是错误的进不去游戏 