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forte.exe 2008-09-17 19:43

[attachment=77185] Quote
Unfortunately, we weren't able to put the full game on these cartridges (the licensing and legal issues were a headache and not worth the trouble), but I agree, it would've been cool.  Instead, these carts contain a small CD with artwork, game information and screenshots.

Anyway, we're sending these bad boys out this week to our friends from the press. Don't worry, we're thinking about offering a very limited quantity (200) on the Capcom Store, probably with a PSN or XBLA game voucher.

daseipao 2008-09-18 04:09

yue 2008-09-18 07:56
this is not mm9's case, mm9 is for download on XBLA PSN and WII's VC.
this NES cartridge look alike, is actually a cd case. Its made by a guy, and is not the game, it just have some screen shots and artwork in it, it is not made by capcom.
PS:LS that's not X,is magaman u dumbass.
can't type chinese can some 1 translate this for me? Thx

forte.exe 2008-09-18 19:16
[s:275] 我知道了,这不是洛克人9的盒子。

蓝夕 2008-09-20 06:56

Smilebit:) 2008-09-20 12:28

lgrock 2008-09-29 15:13
一代美版盒的ps  足见大家多么期待了!我们洛克人死忠们呵呵

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