查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】SS模拟器Yabause 0.9.7 --]

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lzsgodmax 2008-09-01 17:19


0.9.6 -> 0.9.7
  - Added clipping for line-based drawing to software renderer.
  - Toggling a screen is now core indepedent.
  - Added per-character priority to software renderer.
gtk port:
  - Fixed fullscreen setting and added a keep ratio one.
  - Fixed a bug in the vdp2 debugger that was causing the emu to crash.
  - Full software mode can be compiled again.
  - Fixed segfault when taking screenshots in full software mode.
  - Fixed default value for region.
  - Window position is now saved and restored when re-opening the emu.
  - Fixed a problem when changing input cores.
qt port:
  - Improved compilation process: make (un)install now works.
  - Fix crash when configuring input while using translated version.
windows port:
  - Changed resolution list generation so it adds the resolution to the list,
    regardless of whether it supports 60 hz or not.
  - Fixed error when trying to add blank cheat code.
  - Fixed all code that allowed the user to choose filename for saving so it
    automatically places a default extension.
  - Save and Clear buttons are now enabled when loading a cheat file.
  - Fixed a bug with AR code adding where it was tracking the wrong edit
  - Fixed a bug when adding raw cheat codes.
  - Fixed bugs in vdp1 debugger.
  - Fixed a bug where saving/loading a save state and an error occured would
    cause sound looping.
  - Scroll bar in memory editor now works properly when you move the thumb
  - Added support for x64 builds in Visual Studio.
  - Fixed a bug that was causing older save states to fail.

hudi 2008-09-04 18:28

stggb 2008-09-10 16:18

堕入情网 2008-09-14 09:01

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