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lzsgodmax 2008-08-24 08:59


New build changes kasayutsya mainly naomi:
-- Ingeym Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper - Ingeym Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper
-- Ingeym Gundam VS Zion DX, only with the Japanese biosom yet - Ingeym Gundam VS Zion DX, only with the Japanese until biosom
-- Ingeym Sega Marine Fishing settings if put in biose which previously wrote CaH4e3, but management does not work - Ingeym Sega Marine Fishing settings if put in biose which previously wrote CaH4e3, but management does not work: (
-- Opptimizatsy a bit smaller and smaller bug fixes - Opptimizatsy a bit smaller and smaller bug fixes

Unfortunately for the continuation of work on naomi naomi 2 and we have no dumps


lzsgodmax 2008-08-24 09:00

视频插件选ogl的,勾选list sorting就正常多了

lzsgodmax 2008-08-24 11:44

lzsgodmax 2008-08-24 12:47

zealus 2008-08-24 13:08
期待不断完善,很有前途更新很快 [s:273]
PS.lzsgodmax [s:307] 刚刚在EZ看到你ID了

qwert11 2008-08-25 06:58

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