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lzsgodmax 2008-01-19 11:22


    *  fixed the second player problem in Battle Heat
    * fixed a few bugs in the MJPEG emulation, this fixes glitches in 'Chip-chan Kick', 'All Japan Female Pro Wrestling', 'Return to Zork', and may be a few other games
    * fixed the missing layer in 'Princess Rolfee'
    * fixed the darker screen problem in 'Miraculum'
    * removed a change introduced in v1.0.1, this fixes 'Last Imperial Prince' and 'Nirgends' crashing bug
    * improved the OpenGL driver, the 'ARB_render_texture' extension is not required anymore, if it's present it will be used but if this extension is not available a work-around will be used instead
    * rewritten the CD-ROM driver, now both SPTI and ASPI are supported at the same time allowing more drives to be recognized
    * improved the 'boot CD' menu, games titles are now displayed directly in the menu when a game is recognized
    * added an eject button in the 'boot CD' menu
    * fixed a memory bug that could crash the emulator
    * added more resolution choices for the fullscreen mode, low resolutions are now supported too
    * implemented back the custom resolution modes, you can choose them from the pcfx.ini file
    * improved program startup, the emulator will now starts directly in the selected screen mode, it won't display a blank startup window anymore



02206591 2008-01-19 12:55
[s:275] 待高人破解,PCFX貌似全是美少女游戏吧

lzsgodmax 2008-01-19 13:04

marchbiggg 2008-01-19 16:37



zealus 2008-01-26 00:06

查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】PC-FX模拟器MagicEngine-FX 1.1.0 --] [-- top --]

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