dfdfas |
2007-12-11 13:02 |
E文盲一个,处了几个简单的命令外其它的看不懂啊...orz 谁有空啊,来帮忙翻一翻啊[s:276]
psxt001z by Dremora, v0.20 beta 13 derus fix
Usage: ====== psxt001z.exe image.bin Display image's info.
psxt001z.exe --checksums file [start [end]] Calculate file's checksums (CRC-32, MD5, SHA-1). [in] file Specifies the file, which checksums will be calculated. start Specifies start position for checksums calculation. size Specifies size of block for checksums calculation.
psxt001z.exe --zektor image.bin Zektor. Replace EDC in Form 2 Mode 2 sectors with zeroes.
psxt001z.exe --antizektor image.bin Antizektor. Restore EDC in Form 2 Mode 2 sectors.
psxt001z.exe --resize image.bin size Resize file to requested size.
psxt001z.exe --patch image.bin patch.bin offset Insert patch.bin into image.bin, skipping given number of bytes from the offset.
psxt001z.exe --track image.bin bytes_to_skip size crc-32 [r] [+/-/f] [s filename ] Try to guess an offset correction of the image dump by searching a track with given size and CRC-32. r - Calculate crc with RIFF header. +/- - Search only for positive or negative offset correction. f - Search only for common offset corrections. s - Save track with given filename.
psxt001z.exe --makechk image.bin -fm|im Make checksum file with given blocksize: -fm - 2048 bytes/sector. -im - 2352 bytes/sector.
psxt001z.exe --build old_image.bin new_image.bin checksum.chk Rebuild sectors from image to new image using checksum file. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!
psxt001z.exe --gen file.bin filesize [-r] Generate a file of the requested size. -r - add RIFF header.
psxt001z.exe --str file.str video.str audio.xa Deinterleave file.str to video.str and audio.xa.
psxt001z.exe --str2bs file.str Convert file.str to .bs-files.
psxt001z.exe --makederus badimage.bin goodimage.bin derus.drs Make the patch file for badimage.bin to goodimage in .drs format.
psxt001z.exe --derus image.bin derus.drs Recover image.bin using derus.drs.
psxt001z.exe --scan image.bin Scan image.bin for errors.
psxt001z.exe --fix image.bin Scan image.bin for errors and fix them.
psxt001z.exe --sub subchannel.sub size Generate RAW subchannel with given size (in sectors).
psxt001z.exe --m3s subchannel.m3s Generate M3S subchannel.
psxt001z.exe --libcrypt <sub> [<sbi>] Usage: psxt001z.exe --libcrypt <sub> [<sbi>] Check subchannels for LibCrypt protection. (file) [in] <sub> Specifies the subchannel file to be scanned. [out] <sbi> Specifies the subchannel file in SBI format where protected sectors will be written.
psxt001z.exe --libcryptdrv <drive letter> Check subchannels for LibCrypt protection (disc).
psxt001z.exe --libcryptdrvfast <drive letter> Check subchannels for LibCrypt protection using new detection method (disc). |