查看完整版本: [-- 【自制软件】PSP用金手指工具CWCHEAT 0.1.9 REV. H发布 --]

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无心 2007-11-05 19:37

PSP用金手指工具CWCHEAT 0.1.9 REV. H发布,可以让你对PSP和PS游戏进行修改,新版变动如下:
[font="FixedSys]- [ALL] increased priority from 0x64 to 0x32 to resolve the problems with "crash of the titans" which let cwcheat run it's thread only sometimes, making
extremely difficult to call the cwcheat menu or other features.
- [POPS] fixed a check in the search for a difference in the cheat searcher to be proper in the pops build. Previously it blocked this function from
- [ALL] now the in game menu is cleared before going out from it.
- [ALL] Added a check to avoid entering the cheat mod menu if there are no cheats in the list
- [ALL] Major speed improvement in the fixed value search. A search for zero which took before 55 minutes now it takes just 10 minutes (550% faster)
- [ALL] Major speed improvement in the diff value search. A search for equal just after a first dump took before 1 hour and 50 minutes now it takes just
15 minutes (733% faster)
- [ALL] applyed speed improvement changes also to the text search function but the improvement wasn't tested
- [ALL] Reduced prx size by about 500bytes from improvements in the search functions
- [ALL] Added a check for the user to release the SQUARE button while selecting found adresses, in this way it won't go directly to the disasm screen
but let also check the memory editor (without using the cancel button)

fanchengyan 2007-12-14 21:49
怎么用呢~~~~~~~~~~ [s:272]  [s:272]

大大人 2007-12-29 21:39

can you speak chinese??  are you ok

wehunter 2008-02-13 20:33

arnox 2008-02-16 23:02

亡灵之鬼 2008-05-18 17:23

和平相處 2008-09-03 14:46

ycy0837 2009-06-11 08:01

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