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exiori 2007-09-13 16:23

MAME Plus!

2007-09-12 20:33:56 -0700

MAME Plus! 0.118u6
updated to 0.118u6 [emuman]
catlist 0.118u6 [s_bastian]
Compile section on the website has been updated [emuman]
fixed NEOCPSMAME=1 compile error [xvi]
GUI:simplified audit code [emuman]
removed all GCC 4 warnings [but]
updated scaler code to the new core [but]
fixed OSD refresh rate slider [xvi]
updated monaco.c to the new core [xvi]
fixed HAZEMD=1 compile error [xvi]
fixed Sega Master System input [xvi]
updated Japanese mameinfo (9/8) [mame e2j]
updated Japanese list (jplist0118u5_0908.zip) [mamelist jp]

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