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风雅小阁 2007-08-31 09:14

  Two-thirds of British people take two weeks of vacation during the summer months. Most of them go to the beach. But for hundreds of years, British people were not interested in going to the seaside.

  Then, in the mid-1700s, a doctor named Richard Russell said that drinking sea water cured disease (1). Suddenly, many people wanted to go to the sea to solve their health problems. New health resorts (2) and hotels were built. These places needed to entertain their new guests so they offered card games, performers (3), and puppet (4) shows. Soon, people stopped going to the ocean for the salt water, and went just for fun.

  Next, the invention of the railroad made it easier for people to go to the coast on short trips. British families and young people fell in love with the seaside. Children liked to play in the water and the adults liked to socialize (5) and walk along the promenades (6). The rich sailed on their yachts (7). At that time, British men and women were still very modest (8). They did not want other people to see them swimming. So “bathing machines” were invented. They were rooms on wheels pulled into the sea by horses. That way, people could swim in private (9).

  By 1900, the coast of Britain had many towns and villages. People moved to the seaside to escape the crowded cities.

  Brighton was the first major seaside town in England. It soon became Britain's most popular resort.

  Word Key
  1.cured disease (to cure disease) verb + object治疗疾病
  2.resort noun 胜地,常去之地
  3.performer noun 表演者
  4.puppet noun 木偶
  5.socialize verb (同他人)来往,交往,交际
  6.promenade noun a public place for leisurely walking公共散步场所
  7.yacht noun 游艇,快艇
  8.modest adjective 腼腆的;朴素的
  9. in private phrase not in public; secretly or confidentially私下地,无他人在场

cmsim_06 2007-09-02 02:05
so interesting of your article..
this is adding my brain to more knowledge.
thanks for your sharing.

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