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lzsgodmax 2007-08-28 18:28


Video Game Music Player

Audio Overload emulates the sound hardware of vintage consoles and computers, allowing you to listen to completely authentic renditions of classic video game tunes. Audio Overload does not play music from arcade games; for that you should use M1.
Audio Overload Screen Shot

    * Playback support for twenty six different music formats.
    * Transparent decompression of GZIP, LHA, RAR, and ZIP archives.
    * Optional volume level normalization.
    * Export-to-WAV functionality.


The current release of Audio Overload supports music in the following file formats:

    * AY - Amstrad CPC/Spectrum ZX/Atari ST
    * COP - Sam Coupe
    * GBS - Nintendo Gameboy
    * GSF - Nintendo Gameboy Advance
    * GYM - Sega Megadrive/Genesis
    * HES - PC Engine
    * IMF - PC-compatibles, various Apogee games
    * KSS - MSX
    * MDX - Sharp X68000
    * MOD - Commodore Amiga
    * NSF - Nintendo NES
    * NSFE - Nintendo NES (enhanced tags)
    * ORC - TRS-80 Orchestra-90
    * PSF - Sony PlayStation
    * QSF - Capcom QSound
    * RAW - PC-compatibles with an AdLib
    * ROL - PC-compatibles, AdLib Visual Composer
    * S3M - PC-compatibles with a GUS or SoundBlaster
    * S98 - NEC PC-98
    * SAP - Atari XL/XE
    * SCI - PC-compatibles, various Sierra games
    * SNDH - Atari ST
    * SPC - Super Nintendo
    * VGM - Sega Master System/Game Gear
    * VTX - Spectrum Vortex Tracker
    * YM - Amstrad CPC/Spectrum ZX/Atari ST


jihao1234567 2007-08-28 19:40

lzsgodmax 2007-08-28 19:50
引用第1楼jihao1234567于2007-08-28 19:40发表的  :


yksoft1 2007-08-29 00:36
想念Origin Systems

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