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exiori 2007-08-11 17:09

Ootake 1.22

2007/08/10 1.22 released
  - Operation speed & timing of CPU has been elaborately adjusted. In the
    visual scene of "Private Eyedol", the problem that the display in the
    upper part of the screen blinked uncommonly occasionally was solved.
    In a lot of other games, I think that it approached a real machine by
    timing, too.
  - The start demo of "Efera & Jiliora - The Emblem From Darkness" came to
    operate normally.
  - It came to be able to recognize CD-ROM of "Juuouki".
  * The happiness of the game is the world human race commonness. It longs for
  * I think that it cannot do improvement & correction of the above-mentioned
    if there are many neither operation report nor defect report. Thank you
    really for you who reported.


clclbby 2007-08-12 20:03

srafec 2007-08-14 10:49

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