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model3 2007-07-03 06:15

NDS模拟器 iDeaS 发布新版,更新内容如下:

Here's the changelog:

Fixed a bug in smulwy and smlawy opcode.
Fixed a bug in ldrd and strd opcode.
Fixed a bug in swi opcode.
Fixed a bug in GXFIFO register.
Fixed a bug in GXSTAT register.
Fixed a bug in texture slots management.
Fixed a bug in textures management.
Fixed a bug in FAT emulation.
Fixed a bug in read byte in video memory.
Fixed a bug in visualization layer disabled.
Fixed a bug in Extended Palettes Slots.
Fixed a bug in touch position detection in rotation mode.
Fixed a bug in IRQ management.
Fixed a bug in plugins management.
Fixed a bug in BGxCNT.
Fixed a bug Unable to read.
Fixed a bug in Extended Mode Background Size.
Added cheats features.(Action Repaly DS only)
Added Plain ARM7-CPU memory access.
Added support for ELF format.
Added visualization source code in debugger window.
Added LZ77UnCompVram bios function.
Added Windows 0 and 1 rendering.

Audio Plugin :
Added Savestate capability.
Added Change Volume feature.
Fixed a bug in SOUNDxCNT register.
Fixed a bug in calculation resampling frequency.

Avi Capture Plugin :
Added support for compressed formats.



天使怪盗 2007-07-04 15:56

PJX8167 2007-07-04 17:34
偶滴苍月哇.... [s:280]

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