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znszs 2007-06-24 00:46


I'm going to quit, this time for real and for ever. Too much things are changing in my life in this period... and I have to follow them.
Decision is taken, so don't complaint, don't cry but wish me good luck instead.
If I'll have the time I'll release a final 0.117 or 0.118 just to give you the ability to enjoy CPS3 games with 32FX.
This forum will close soon since I have no more time to follow it. I have to thanks a lot of people here and there, there's no need to list them you know who you are.
Spread the news and god bless you.

sqallre 2007-06-24 01:42

村正 2007-06-24 02:58

emuplays 2007-06-24 08:25
停止开发也是必然的,现在的机子很少有跑不动的.除了那些模拟代码编写有问题的除外.所以没有存在的必要了 MAME FX我也用过感觉没有Plus系列好用

lzsgodmax 2007-06-24 11:29


fcab8019 2007-06-24 11:32

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