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lzsgodmax 2007-04-14 12:40



Here we go, with a new release of Finalburn Alpha. Version includes the following changes and additions. Updated previews & title packs are also available for this release.

  * Added driver for Galaxy Force 2 (gforce2, gforce2j)
  * Added driver for G-LOC (gloc, glocr360)
  * Added driver for Line of Fire (loffire, loffirej, loffireu)
  * Added driver for Major League (mjleague)
  * Added driver for Power Drift (pdrift, pdrifta, pdrifte, pdriftj)
  * Added driver for Rail Chase (rchase)
  * Added driver for Strike Fighter (strkgftr)
  * Fixed sprite flip in Sonic Boom
  * Added some unicode titles [BisonSAS]
  * Matched sets to MAME 0.114u1

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