查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】NDS模拟器iDeaS可基本正确显示苍月十字架图像) --]

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lzsgodmax 2007-04-03 17:12


Here's the changelog:

  * Fixed a bug in EEPROM management.
  * Fixed a bug in RTC functions.
  * Fixed a bug in Extended Draw Mode management.
  * Fixed a bug in Bitmap Sprites management.
  * Fixed transparent color backgrounds.
  * Fixed a bug in EXTKEYIN register.
  * Fixed a bug in DIVREM_RESULT register.
  * Fixed a bug in 3d stacks.
  * Fixed a bug in 3d coordinates trasformation.
  * Fixed a bug in texture management.
  * Fixed a bug in GXFIFO register.
  * Fixed a bug in load rom.
  * Fixed a bug in Display Capture Control Register.
  * Fixed a bug in plugins management.
  * Fixed a bug in SWI5 functions.
  * Added Background Mode 6.
  * Added 4x4-Texel Compressed Texture management.
  * Added Textures Coordinates Transformation Mode.
  * Added Alpha channel for 3d layer.
  * Added keys configuration dialog.
  * Added Increase CPU Speed options.
  * Added RLUnComp function.



PJX8167 2007-04-03 17:17

xiao555 2007-04-03 22:17
中午就测试了SRW W,速度没得说,贼慢。

emuplays 2007-04-21 15:24

PJX8167 2007-04-21 18:57

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