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lzsgodmax 2007-03-15 17:06


Outrun is ready to go. Here's the new stuff;

  * Added driver for Cotton (cotton, cottonj, cottonu)
  * Added driver for Out Run (outrun, outrun1, outrun2, outrunb)
  * Added driver for Passing Shot (passshot, passshta, passshtj)
  * Added driver for Super Hang-On (shangon, shangon2, shangon3, shangnle)
  * Added driver for Turbo Out Run (toutrun, toutrun2)
  * Fixed a bug in the System 16 Sprite rendering [kev]
  * Fixed a problem with memory card support
  * Updated the region dips in the Battle Bakraid and Batrider drivers [BisonSAS]
  * Forced the Battle Bakraid driver to use the Musashi 68K core [BisonSAS]
  * Updated some unicode titles [BisonSAS]

新版本支持了out run等一些游戏

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