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lzsgodmax 2007-02-24 11:47




everything from official MAME is up to date. it is suggested that you delete old mame.ini.

  * full Unicode support in core and GUI
  * support local CJK bdf fonts. download otf2bdf and run something like
    otf2bdf.exe C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\msgothic.ttc -o ui.bdf -p 40
    in command line to make your own ui.bdf. put ui.bdf to your "fontpath", default path is lang\ja_JP\ui.bdf, lang\zh_CN\ui.bdf, lang\zh_TW\ui.bdf ... on first loading, you might have to wait 5~30 minutes.
  * integrated 12px CJK fonts, no external .fnt needed
  * fixed image enhancement scalers
  * CJK users must update language pack

核心代码已更新至最新版MAME. 建议删除旧版mame.ini.

  * 核心与 GUI 全部转为 Unicode
  * 支持本地语言的汉字 bdf 字体. 请下载 otf2bdf 并在命令行执行
    otf2bdf.exe C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc -o ui.bdf -p 40
    生成所需的 ui.bdf. 然后将生成的 ui.bdf 放入 "fontpath", 默认路径为 lang\ja_JP\ui.bdf, lang\zh_CN\ui.bdf, lang\zh_TW\ui.bdf ... 第一次读取字体时, 可能需要等待 5~30 分钟.
  * 程序中整合 12点阵汉字库, 不再需要 .fnt 外部字库
  * 修正图像增强滤镜
  * 必须更新语言包

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