Congratulation your 100th post , I forgot to celebrate mine , I will do when it reaches 200.
PS : Xiao please answer my PM
2007-02-23 22:20
Do you know how to send PM? [PIA fly me~ disregard me~] PS:Welcome to water area~!You can write 200th post in the water area. 那啥 我想不出来茶铺用什么词组...而且貌似我写错了...
2007-02-23 22:26
引用第38楼sasddsa于2007-02-23 22:20发表的“”: Do you know how to send PM? [PIA fly me~ disregard me~] PS:Welcome to water area~! 那啥 我想不出来茶铺用什么词组...
water area ???
2007-02-23 22:27
Yes,water area. 水区=水的区域 意思是这里可以灌水 Meaning there can chat. chat 这个词还是从"灌水"改过来的...毕竟灌水2意思...
2007-02-23 22:31
What do you mean by 200th post ?
and , of course I know how to send PM ...don't worry ...
2007-02-23 22:36
There can chat.You can speak out breezily. and Xiao doing homework now. I can't speak English very good.Not know part please forgive.
2007-02-23 22:38
I don't know Xiao is so hardworking
anyway , you haven't answer my first question ...200th post ???
Did you mean I can only post 200 posts in this "Tea bar" then I'm not allowed to post more ?
2007-02-23 22:41
I renew my post. I can't describe that. Please wait me upload picture.
2007-02-23 22:49
"Water area"is other name. and I forget "Tea Bar"...