查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】md模拟器Gens32 Surreal v1.76 --]

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lzsgodmax 2007-02-11 22:09


1) Update YM2612 core,PSG core etc...to 24bit.

2) Playback with 64bit AHDA.

3) Restore classic menu.

4) New force feedback drivers comes with this version,
one is for MK3/MK3 hack, one is for virtual fighter 2.
Because new tech was bright into these stuff,so more
force feedback drivers should be released in our forum later,

5) A mp3 player called ACOMPAL media player comes with
this version,Which playback with 64bit AHDA too.

PJX8167 2007-02-11 22:11

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