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boyadvance 2006-08-04 09:23

NESCafe 0.704 (August 2006)
- Added Online Activity Monitor to allow users to view games being played
- Added DisableActivityMonitor tag to prevent the Activity Monitor being used
- Added StartActivityMonitor tag to cause it to start when NESCafe starts

NESCafe is a Nintendo emulator for Java. You can download it to play on your PC. There is also an Applet version which contains everything that you will need to host NESCafe on your own website and allow your visiters to play Nintendo games online.

Please make sure that you look at the ReadMe document before running NESCafe (it is included with all of the downloads). This file will explain the requirements of NESCafe and how to install it on your computer. Please note that to run Java software you need to install a Java Virtual Machine and have a reasonably fast computer.

Welcome to the NESCafe Emulator, written by David de Niese. NESCafe is a NES Emulator written entirely in Java and will run on any platform. It runs hundreds of the old great Nintendo games and was the first Java NES emulator to emulate the sound hardware.

NESCafe is available here as an Applet for download with the source code, ready for you to host from your own websites. However, please ensure that you only play games that you own the original cartridges for, otherwise you may be breaking copyright laws.


lzsgodmax 2006-08-04 20:16

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