2006-07-24 10:32 |
[attachment=37483] [attachment=37484] [attachment=37485] [attachment=37486] 新出的,全速有声音
A great SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis emulator for Dreamcast
This is BlackAura's long term project to bring 100% perfect MD/G emulation to the Dreamcast.
GPDC started as a port of Genesis Plus by Charles Mac Donald. It's been in development since 2003 and a lot of progress has been made since then:
BlackAura rewrote the video renderer for the Dreamcast's PowerVR2. Stef D of wGens fame joined the project in 2004 to contribute fast and accurate CPU emulators: C68K & CZ80.
Those are featured in the Genesis Plus DC Preview v3 and the brandnew GPWT-3c, both of which you can download at DCHelp's SBI File Repository.
Now with Fox68K's new SH4 Z80 emulator FAZE and FAME, a SH4 68K emulator, written in the Dreamcast's SH4 assembly language, and BlackAura concentrating on the GUI and the sound emulation, the project has reached its final stage. An official release is expected for the end of this year.
GPWT- 3c
Until then we can enjoy GPWT-3c, the brandnew preview version of GenesisPlusDC Warmtoe compiled and released in 07/2006.
>>I know you've all been waiting for this for some time, BA has gone quiet, and I've stopped working on it... so I thought I'd dump it on you!
As usual with my stuff, there are things to tweak to improve performance, you can select different CPU sets etc...<<
Some details about the different settings:
Pressing (B) at the menu changes the CPU emulator. You can select either
FAME - Fox68k's great SH4 M68K emulator for fastest emulation, or
C68K - Stef D's fast and accurate M68K emulator for better compatibility.
Press (A) to toggle the graphics renderer. You can select either
HW - Hardware renderer written by BlackAura, using the Dreamcast's PowerVR II DC, very fast but inaccurate in a few games, or
SW - Standard software renderer of GenesisPlusDC by Charles MacDonald, 100% accurate but slower.
Recommend settings would be 'Render: HW' with 'CPU: C68K' (which is the default setting) or with 'CPU:FAME'.
Pretty straight from the readme:
In GPWT-3c there is no directory browsing - just that fixed list of names for that fixed list of games.
You put your (zipped) ROMS in the directory:
It also expects to find a file:
In ROMS.TXT you can put the names of your games in there plus the name you'd like to see displayed on screen:
SHINOBI.ZIP The Revenge of Shinobi
'SHINOBI.ZIP' (or 'shinobi.zip') would be your actual ROM, 'The Revenge of Shinobi' will be displayed on screen. Each file + name goes into a seperate line in ROMS.TXT.
Full speed with sound (no skipping!) Great compatibility 2 player support .BIN, .SMD and .ZIP support Settings to improve performance / compatibility
Missing Features:
VMU saving 4 player support 6 button support Country settings (J/U/E) Frameskip options for the software renderer Enhanced sound options
26号更新的 Genesis Plus DC [2006/07/26]
Only five changes worth mentioning, most of which aren't that important...
1 - Palettes are now double-buffered. That gets rid of all of the palette tearing effects, or weird blocks of colour on screen when a game was supposed to change the palette mid frame.
2 - Sound channels are now properly synchronised. They were very slightly out of sync before - the right channel was a few samples behind the left. Should result in a slight increase in sound quality. This was needed because the mono output sounded terrible without it (see below)
3 - For those of us who still have to put up with a mono TV, there is now a mono sound output mode. Don't get too excited - it doesn't speed things up, because it's still stereo. It just gets the sound hardware to do a mono mix, rather than a stereo one. It's enabled from the Dreamcast's BIOS (set the sound mode to mono). If you have a mono TV and some sounds were missing (like every other ring "ding" noise in Sonic), check this setting and try with this version.
4 - The sound looping bit from the menu has gone (I never noticed it because it was only the right channel, and I have a mono TV), as has the momentary blip of audio when you start the second (or later) game.
5 - SRAM support has been hooked up. Only works with C68k, and has only been tested with Sonic 3. Seems to work pretty well though - the SRAM save for Sonic 3 takes up a single block, and it still has about 200 bytes free in that block out of 512 total. Loads from and saves to the first VMU only. Error handling is crap, so it might occasionally destroy a save file. The saves from all your other games should be safe though.
No icons though. If anyone wants to draw some (32x32 pixels, 16 colours), feel free. A different one for each game that supports SRAM would be pretty cool. Eyecatch images (the little pictures that appear on the BIOS VMU manager when you have a file selected) might be cool too - they're 72x56 pixels, and can either be 16 color (adds 4 blocks), 256 color (9 blocks), or true colour (16 blocks). Considering their size, I'd probably make them optional.
好象不支持BIN了,只支持ZIP  |