查看完整版本: [-- 【分享】传个小游戏-Cool Herders Demo v1.1 --]

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YZB 2006-04-02 21:41


Cool Herders has been extended, finished and released as a Commercial Dreamcast release through Goat Store. Definately visit the forum for more information!

This game was originally created for the Dreamcast specifically for inclusion as a demo on the DC Tonic E3 Demo CD. Now, it has been completed for commercial release through GOAT Store. See box above.

This download is a new demo based on the released code, and is no longer related to the old version from DC Tonic.

This is a very simplified demo - it includes only the New Zealand multiplayer stages (3 in total) and 3 selectable players. For differences between the demo and the release [attachment=32734] [attachment=32735] [attachment=32736]

hawhf 2006-04-03 10:10

YZB 2006-04-03 11:09


心太冷 2006-04-03 12:58

mayue8633 2006-04-03 14:09

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