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terrycat 2005-05-20 09:08


ALL: Graphics engine updates, fixes ToP intro and some other stuff [pagefault]
ALL: Added variable FastForward/Slowdown options, and a Emulation Speed slider. [ipher, grinvader]
ALL: Rewind interval is now a multiple of 1/5 seconds [grinvader]
ALL: Added Pause After Loading State and Pause After Rewind options to the Save menu [Nach, ipher]
ALL: Fixed preproccessor code [Nach]
ALL: Panic key now resets offset mode and windowing state [pagefault]
ALL: Fixed some issues during Pause [Nach]
ALL: Fixed some issues during frame increment [grinvader]
ALL: New caps on rewind. [grinvader]
ALL: Lower memory usage. [Nach]
WIN: Renamed the ZSNESW window from ZSNESWIN to ZSNES [pagefault]
SDL: Fixed various save files not working correctly when loading ROM via command line. [Nach]
DOS: Fixed space bar video change problem. [Nach]
DOS: Can now rewind. [Nach, ipher]
MOV: Added Append (dummy) and Dump Raw movie (GUI, CL) options [Nach, ipher]
MOV: States in movies are now compressed [Nach]
MOV: Added initial state of input configuration to header. [Nach]
MOV: Added mouse support and Super Scope support (buggy) to movies. [Nach]
MOV: Movies now record average speed. [grinvader]
GUI: Changed "Game Keys" to "Misc Keys" [Nach]
GUI: Added Speed Option window, moved all speed related options there. [ipher, grinvader]
GUI: Added keyboard shortcuts to Add-Ons, Chip Cfg, and Movie Option windows. [ipher]
GUI: Grayed out all Netplay options, they are no longer selectable at all. [ipher]
GUI: Fixed some random errors. [grinvader]
GUI: Some minor improvements. [ipher]
SRC: Partial cleanup/reorganization of the GUI code. Lots of little things fixed. [ipher]
SRC: Removed dead code [Nach]
SRC: Worked around an odd NASM bug. Thanks MxC and Noxious Ninja. [Nach]
SRC: Cleanup [ipher, grinvader, Nach]


lzsgodmax 2005-05-20 09:10

0098 2005-05-20 13:30

lzsgodmax 2005-05-20 13:39
下面是引用0098于2005-05-20 13:30发表的:


fseew 2005-05-20 14:32

bt_rockman 2005-05-20 17:23

kfkf 2005-05-22 08:50

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