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terrycat 2005-05-19 01:04

個人比較喜歡的MAME Plus! 0.96u2終於發布了!

- Updated to MAME 0.96u2.
datafile.c and ui_font.c updates:
o support new glyphs and shortcut. [zetaMAME and Procyon Lotor ]
It is fully compatible with English version in all language. See new glyphs list in command.dat by driver pong.
- Some bug fixes. [zetaMAME]
- Supported multiple arguments in tag line such as '$info=vf,vfremix'.
- Fixed datafile search order.
- Fixed crash Advanced option in GUI.
- Once display message in confirm_quit(), do_loadsave(). [zetaMAME32]


bt_rockman 2005-05-19 12:44

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