查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】Azimer's HLE Audio 0.56 WIP 1 --]

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terrycat 2005-05-08 18:11


*** v0.56 WIP 1 ***
• Revamped Audio Code from v0.50.2
• HLE Code is untouched as of now
• Added some low level RSP code temporarily to assist in fixing HLE Audio
• Added a hidden console window for Audio status/debugging (disabled unless public finds it desirable)
• Fixed MANY stuttering issues and issues with MusyX games. Tarzan is still a problem because of timing.
• Added Old Audio Sync option... You will need to set it every time you start the emulator if you want to use it.


asenchai 2005-05-08 21:55

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