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terrycat 2005-04-27 10:28

Update to Ver 4.02

2005-4-25 4.01 -> 4.02
*Added Game:
Hexen (F) (Thanks olivieryuyu)

*Changed Setting:
Banjo-Kazooie Changed CF to 1, Linking to Off
Banjo-Tooie Changed CF to 1, Linking to Off
Beetle Adventure Racing Changed Linking to Off
City Tour Grandprix - Zennihon GT Senshuken Changed Status to Issues (plugin)
Diddy Kong Racing Changed SMCM to Cache,CF to 1
GT 64 Championship Edition Changed Status to Issues (plugin)
International Superstar Soccer '98 (U) Changed SMCM to Protected Memory
International Track & Field 2000 Resolution Width=319,Resolution Height=239
International Track and Field Summer Games Changed RAM to 8,Resolution Width=319,Resolution Height=239
Jet Force Gemini Changed CF to 1, Linking to Off
NBA Hangtime Changed Status to Needs video plugin
Polaris SnoCross Resolution Width=319,Resolution Height=239
Star Twins Changed CF to 1, Linking to Off
TETRIS 64 Changed Status to Compatible
The New Tetris Resolution Height=300

*Changed Good Name:
N:"Pikachu Genki Dechuu (J) [!]" O:"Pikachu Genki Dechu (J) [!]"
N:"Let's Smash (J) [!]" O:"Let's Smash Tennis (J) [!]"


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