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SLIM 2005-04-27 09:22

Osmose 是一个多系统的模拟器,模拟器支持的平台包括 Windows 和 Linux,并且开放源代码.
-Added support for paddle control device (-paddle option).
This device is mapped on MOUSE, and MOUSE BUTTONS, keyboard is unused
with this option, except general emulation keys, like escape, F1, F2 ect...

-Added -acceleration option for paddle sensibility. This option takes a parameter example: -acceleration 0.78

-Added support for Battery Backed memory. It's save when leaving emulator, and restore on startup, if file exists. The file is rom_name.bbr and is 32768 bytes. Golden Axe Warrior and Phantasy Star players would appreciate :-)

-Added support for vdp_status sprite collision bit5. Impossible mission, Ecco the dolphin and games based on this feature should work correctly.

-Implement new bilinear video filter (-bilinear option).

-Modify OsmoseCore to handle "over cycles". When cpu core executes more
than 228 Cycle during a scanline, over cycles are substract to CPU_CYCLE_PER_LINE. This improve emulation timing.

bt_rockman 2005-04-27 20:33

sagephage 2005-04-27 21:02

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