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RockmanRotties 2005-04-25 11:06

It have multiply languages and I selected ENGLISH VERSION with Daemon 3.47 and it installed successfully but when I click MegamanX8 icon however it wont let me played it. It complaint something about sectrum or something. Should I burn them on CDR and try again without Daemon 3.47 ? I am in the USA. I use DELL COMPUTER.

I tried chinese version and it was fine. Do you have any idea why japan version that have english wont let me playing it ?

8189081890 2005-04-26 00:41
Its hard to say,I had played the English rockman x8 and no promble.I suggest you downloud a new one and try again.

RockmanRotties 2005-04-26 07:29
No it is a new one. The message just tell me about emulation sectrom. What program do you use and what can I do ?

Maybe I should burn them on CDR and see if it will work that way from CD DRIVE better ?

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