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SLIM 2005-04-16 16:40

Friday, 15th April 2005
I lost my development box yesterday. None of the DSemu source files or past versions were stored on the box's hard drive, but I did lose the compilation environment, and a nice P3-600. It looks like some of the motherboard tracks are fried; not much I can do.

Which means I can't work on DSemu anymore. It looks like .03c is the last release. Don't worry, though; I'll start on a dynamic-recompiling ARM core, so my P166 can get useful output. And I might even make a start on that set of 'how to make an emulator' tutorials.

At least I don't have to play catch-up to Dualis anymore. Thanks for all the support, everyone, it's been much appreciated.


单行本 2005-04-16 17:35

werer123 2005-04-17 20:30

ChenX2 2005-04-17 21:27

At least I don't have to play catch-up to Dualis anymore····嗯··嗯···体谅哦····

wuuushiii 2005-04-18 17:12

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