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terrycat 2005-03-28 11:47


- ALL: IRQs must now be acknowledged before they can occur again
- CPU: Added emultaion of the IntrWait and VBlankIntrWait SWIs
- CPU: SWI 0xFF (0xFF0000 in ARM mode) outputs the string pointed to by R0 to the debug console
- MMU: Small optimizations on some of the load/store functions
- GUI: Added a disassembler, memory viewer and debug console
- GUI: Improved the palette viewer
- GUI: If a filename is given on the commandline, the emulator will try to load and run the file
- GUI: Added keyboard shortcuts for most of the menu selections
- GUI: You can now start a binary by drag-dropping it onto the main window


bt_rockman 2005-03-28 19:52
NDS模擬器虽然还处在启蒙阶段不过这么多人去开发还是大有希望啊 wdb10.gif

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