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notinthisworld 2005-03-27 13:02

hi hi... i am playing right now the x8 for pc, i had changed the voice into english language but the texts are still in chinese.... is there a way to switch the texts into english??

Eiji 2005-03-28 21:22
it's a chinese version of Rockman X8....so...subtitles r in chinese and cannot be translated into english.....
and....i m not sure if this game has a english version on PC....as on PS2
that's it

notinthisworld 2005-03-29 19:51
actually i got the solution in converting it... :D

RockmanRotties 2005-03-30 23:07

Can you tell me how to do that ? I want it to change to english version too..thank you! ;)

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