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notinthisworld 2005-03-20 00:19

hi there guys....

just wanna ask if anyone has the rockman anniversary collection for gamecube... hehhe...

God Bless

xcert 2005-03-20 00:22
樓主是想問誰有GC版的Rockman Anniversary Collection洛克人週年合集。
Sorry I don't have it, just translating what you've said to others

notinthisworld 2005-03-20 00:27
thanks so much for your help

SUNGOD 2005-03-20 16:34
I'm sorry I don't have either.
Are you American?

Do you have the rockman anniversary collection for gameboy advance?
In China,There are no roms for this game.
So,if you have ,may I have the honor to please you sending one rom for us?

Thanks a lot.

notinthisworld 2005-03-20 16:52
i dont have it yet....

but i have others though... nope not american...

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