查看完整版本: [-- [新闻]ClrMamePro 3.63b发布 --]

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Nebulahgd 2005-03-14 21:04


ClrMamePro 3.63b (08-Mar-2005)

added: batchrun option "always remove source" (rebuilder)
added: batchrun option "don't show statistics" (rebuilder)
added: batchrun option "always save fixdat" and "always save log" (scanner)
added: separated scanner checkall/fixall toggles
misc: autosavefixdat (either scanner or batchrun) doesn't show any prompts anymore if a filename was once setup.
misc: batchrun window shows number of selected profiles
misc: progresswindow title switches to "fixing.." when creating nodumps
misc: some minor menu/dialog changes
fixed: unneeded check (unmerged and not-all-sets selected only) reacts wrong

官方网站: http://www.clrmame.com

kolar 2005-03-19 20:38

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