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nhlay 2005-03-04 10:53

What's new in 1.54:

* New drivers:

      - Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205)
      - 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Asia 951207)
      - Alien vs. Predator (Asia 940520)

      - The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (hack)
      - Matrimelee (decrypted C)

  * Fixed slowdowns in Rage of The Dragons (how to play drawing for example).
  * Stopped both KOF2002 plus sets loading the encrypted M ROM from the parent.
  * Fixed bug in KOF2002 how to play sequence (Kyo ended up off the left of screen).
  * Renamed some decrypted M ROMs in various NeoGeo Games to match MAME 092.
  * Renamed CPS2 graphics and sound sample ROMs to reflect names given to them
    on real CPS-2 hardware (added a 'm' to the name).
  * Renamed the CPS-2 simm ROMs (from xxx-sim-xxx to xxx-simm.xxx).
  * Renamed Jockey Grandprix ROMs to match MAME 092.


nhlay 2005-03-04 10:55
Winkawaks 1.54 繁體中文語系檔

目前還沒有 Winkawaks 1.54 的破解檔能夠中文化..
待 1.54 破解檔出了後我會補上繁體中文化完整版....

下載後請將檔案解壓縮到 Winkawaks 目錄下的 lang 目錄裡...
然後選擇功能表上的 Misc 進入 Choose language pack 選項
選擇 Chinese(Traditional).lng 替換為繁體中文語系檔...


lzsgodmax 2005-03-04 14:00

Lobelia 2005-03-04 14:46

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