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nhlay 2005-03-01 06:16

uosnes 的作者在 28 號在次更新...

uosnes 的作者修正了 0226 版模擬 Mystic Quest 時的 IRQ 錯誤問題..
2005-02-28  sanmaiwashi  <sanmaiwashi@sheep.livedoor.com>
        "Mystic Quest" was not able to be executed by 2005-02-26.
        When the IRQ of 0x4200 register is turned off,
        it seems to have had to clear IRQ signal.
        Therefore, to clear IRQ, it changed.


nhlay 2005-03-01 06:18
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nhlay 2005-03-01 06:20
2/3 uosnesw 20050228 繁體中文化版

nhlay 2005-03-01 06:21
3/3 uosnesw 20050228 繁體中文化版

Lobelia 2005-03-01 13:56

寒风NIK 2005-03-01 16:14

Lobelia 2005-03-01 16:20

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