查看完整版本: [-- [新闻]FBA v0.2.95.23 --]

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xiao555 2005-01-27 10:35

This is still an alpha release!
Note that, if compiled with GCC, you will need to use version 3.3.x, and the experimental DirectX 9 blitter is not built.
Changed the way FB Alpha looks for ROMs. Now, it will always check the last path for any given .zip file, even when a .zip file of the same name is present in another path. This way, we can keep ROMs that are only needed for FB Alpha seperate without sacrifising compatibility with other emulators;
Changed the way Neo Geo memory cards work, allowing the use of 1 megabit cards;
Emulated protection in Super Sidekicks (was patched before);
Fixed the last few bad game names / bad ROM definitions;
Fixed a few minor issues in the makefile for mingw/cygwin;
The debugger is now only compiled for debug builds;
Minor updates to compile documentation;
Fixed a crash at startup for some systems when autopause was activated。


Lobelia 2005-01-27 13:52

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