查看完整版本: [-- [新闻]ZSNES v1.42 Released!! --]

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Lobelia 2005-01-20 20:33




DESTDIR support. [theoddone33]

Fixed label for Fullscreen/Widescreen options. [ipher]
All Ports:

Corrected output of BRR decode for invalid ange values (>12). [TRAC]
Fixed sustain level 4 (5/8). [TRAC]
Fixed label for Fullscreen/Widescreen options. [ipher]
More window boxes now have borders. [ipher]
Close zip files properly when IPS is not found in zip (fixes crashing with certain zlibs). [Nach]
Cleaned up some code. [Nach, ipher, grinvader]
Ported chip detection to C, improved BS detection. [Nach]
Ported rewind to C (thanks Nach, TRAC). [grinvader]
New reminder text. [grinvader, AspiringSquire]
Rollback of "Improved accuracy of base rates used for ADSR, GAIN, noise, and echo emulation". [ipher]


nights2k5 2005-01-21 09:14

Xin 2005-01-21 11:03
用 ipher 的感覺總有点怪怪的......

還是喜歡原來 _Demo_ 的, 繼續用官方 1.40 ~~~

werer123 2005-01-23 10:56

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