查看完整版本: [-- [新闻]XRoar 0.11 (Dragon 32/64) --]

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xiao555 2005-01-14 17:21

The test release includes:

Modularised almost everything. Binary can contain multiple drivers for video, sound and ui. User can pick one on startup and, hopefully, switch between them on the fly.
Added resizable SDL-YUV (Xv-accelerated where possible) video module.
Added JACK sound module.
Added NULL sound module (Linux-only: uses /dev/rtc to sync).
Eliminated busy-wait from SDL sound module.
Unified Unix and GP32 Makefiles.
Added ability to simulate NTSC video artifacts for hi-res graphics.
Sound fixes for unsigned audio interferes less with other audio.
GP32 chatboard support (thanks to Mirko's SDK).
Autorun first program from virtual cassette files.


terrycat 2005-01-16 02:46

查看完整版本: [-- [新闻]XRoar 0.11 (Dragon 32/64) --] [-- top --]

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