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terrycat 2005-01-04 21:11


• error handling added into game genie to hexidecimal format code converting
• fixed error when assigning button a for player #2
• fixed error when reverting to original mirroring after altering
• fixed error causing mirroring menu items to not uncheck
• pc gamepad directional pad detection is less strict now
• major clean up and optimization of entire source code
• zlib copyright information now shown in olafnes and on olafnes' homepage
• you can manually cycle through all the mapper numbers when substituting now
• runtimes.zip's contents are now distributed with the executables again


Xin 2005-01-04 22:21
汗...作者真熱血, 沒有一版是相隔 9 天以上的, ........

基本上都 2, 3 天一版....

Lobelia 2005-01-05 00:26

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