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terrycat 2005-01-04 13:29


added: rebuilder button 'set destination to 1st rompath'
added: scanner->logfile->button 'view logfile'
added: profiler->popupmenu->'view logfile'
added: dir2dat/settings dir2dat paths...for multiple dir2dat sourcefolders
fixed: some issues with too long path/filenames
fixed: several "last paths" weren't remembered fixdatfile, load dat, dir2dat profile
fixed: rebuilder recompress option stays enabled internally when toggling zip option
fixed: datfileparsers didn't accept a leading 0x before sha1/md5 values
misc: dir2dat destinationfilename can use variables %v, %n, %d (header version, name an description) instead of a real filename. (e.g. d:\temp\%dver%v.dat)
misc: don't disable the scanresults tree window when you click cancel (pause) in the progress window
misc: scanresults shows the setsize (approx. value, mergemode doesn't play a role yet)
misc: changed taborder in dir2dat


Lobelia 2005-01-04 14:05

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