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glf999 2006-03-10 11:33

SBILinux Beta

Posted by burnerO on Tuesday, 07 March 2006

This may be a tad late, but I've only recently taken to Linux. I was reading a discussion about Selfboot Inducer running under Wine and I thought it worth a shot. I had the best luck getting console apps working, so please gracefully accept this as is.

Be forewarned, this is a bash script and doesn't feature a gui. It is very straightforward to use though and generates nrg images compatible with NeroLINUX. I'm sure most of the Linux snobs will scoff at my not using CDRecord, but it doesn't work in conjunction with my drive under Linux.

Install Wine/NeroLINUX
Extract the sbilinux archive
Save SBI files to the sbi directory
Ensure sbilinux is executable
Execute sbilinux and add your roms when prompted

Assuming everything goes as planned, inducer.nrg will be created in the working directory and can be burned using NeroLINUX.

I need to stress the BETA aspect of this. Please submit feedback so that I may improve it.

I managed to get console apps compiled for all functions, including multi-level menus, single-level menus and Sbi2boot. If you'd like to use Sbi2boot, place a single sbi in the sbi2boot folder.

Added dir2boot functionality. Ensure Ip.bin and 1st_read.bin are in the dir2boot folder.


心太冷 2006-03-10 15:09

glf999 2006-03-13 14:52
这个是 Linux 系统使用的 DC盘制作工具啊

可以制作以 SBI为主的合集游戏,当然您要是

像制作以 DP3为主的 合集游戏 也是可以]

不过 好像使用 Linux系统的朋友 不少很多

大家就是拿来 看看吧

心太冷 2006-03-14 09:43
Linux 系统用的啊,只能纯支持一下了。

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