主题 : 【下载】GDI Explorer v1.4
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 36694
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金钱: 3902 浮游币
贡献值: 238 点
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楼主  发表于: 2011-12-23 15:25

【下载】GDI Explorer v1.4

DEC. 8TH, 2011

GDI Explorer v1.4 and what next

mood:   peaceful
So far, I have been working on a newer version of GDI Explorer. At first, I had said that I would fix bugs related to the gdi files which contain some tabulation caracters. Little by little, I saw that many had to be fixed up, especially in the code in charge of reading the path table of an iso file. Since I have a lot to do for my other project (GDLAN Loader), I have decided to fix as many bugs as I can in this release so that the next version can focus entirely on the application core improvement.

GDI Explorer changelog:
- Added: Now support reading compressed GDI archives (ZIP) but it can still not extract data from them.
- Fixed: Cannot parse GDI file with tabulation chars.
- Fixed: Unable to extract directories when their relative name is like another ones in an highest path.
- Fixed: The 2 seconds pause at the end of each CD-DA tracks is not well removed.
- Fixed: An extracted directory datetime do not match with iso datetime.
- Fixed: File association does not support long filenames.
- Fixed: The UI does not clean some fields when a loading error occures.
- Fixed: The right-click menu option "Convert all GDDA" appears even if there is no GDDA track.
- Cleanup: UI's code and debugging information

At this point, I can continue my work on an GDRom-drive debugging tool. This tool simply hooks the Dreamcast syscalls, sends the syscall information over the LAN interface. In doing so, on the PC side, a logger keeps the trace of all syscalls sent to the GDRom drive while playing a game. I want to release a first version which enables you to send your own logs in a database. That way, it would be easier to emulate the GDRom drive (and to know which games may raise issues).


下载:  h  t t p://japanese-cake.livejournal.com/

h ttp://115.com/file/belx7tfw#
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    引用第3楼sherylnome于2011-12-25 11:09发表的  :
